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Entity State Configuration Ignores Hide In Inspector Attribute

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@Nebby1999 Nebby1999 released this 08 Dec 18:28


ESC Inspector now Ignores fields with Hide In Inspector attributes.

Something very common in modded entity state configurations is re-using existing assets for entity states, Tracers and hit effects are a very prominent example of this. The way how this is usually serialized is by hand-written calls to the Resources.Load() method. However, the ESC would constantly overwrite these hand-written calls by default, making it impossible to re-use Resources methods.

As Such, the ESC inspector now ignores all fields that have the HideInInspector attribute added to them.

public class FirePistol : BaseSkillState
    [TokenModifier("SS2_EXECUTIONER_PISTOL_DESCRIPTION", StatTypes.Percentage, 0)]
    public static float damageCoefficient;
    public static float procCoefficient;
    public static float baseDuration;
    public static float recoil;
    public static float spreadBloom;
    public static float force;

    public static GameObject muzzleEffectPrefab = Resources.Load<GameObject>("prefabs/effects/muzzleflashes/Muzzleflash1");
    public static GameObject tracerPrefab = Resources.Load<GameObject>("prefabs/effects/tracers/tracercommandodefault");
    public static GameObject hitPrefab = Resources.Load<GameObject>("prefabs/effects/HitsparkCommando");