Rapid fast multi package installer for chocolatey packages
Installs multiple Chocolatey Packages paralell to each other with different threads.
Installs Chocolatey if it is not installed which then can be removed via the prompt or
with the param -removeChocoAfterwards
Find all Chocolatey packages here: https://community.chocolatey.org/packages
Installs Firefox
and 7Zip
and removes Chocolatey
.\choco-runner.ps1 -package firefox,7zip.install -removeChocoAfterwards
"7zip.install" | .\choco-runner.ps1
.PARAMETER package
A list of packages which should be installed/upgraded. Seperate it with a ",".
.PARAMETER removeChocoAfterwards
Removes Chocolatey afterwards when this parameter is given.
.PARAMETER keepChocoAfterwards
Keeps Chocolatey afterwards when this parameter is given.
.PARAMETER threads
Maximum numbers of threads (Default=256)