Welcome to the group project repository for [Project Name]. This repository is where our team will collaborate, contribute code, documentation, and complete the assignment. Each member is expected to contribute actively to ensure the success of the project.
- Member 1: [Name] - [Role]
- Member 2: [Name] - [Role]
- Member 3: [Name] - [Role]
- Member 4: [Name] - [Role]
- Member 5: [Name] - [Role]
Each team member should update this section with their name and role (e.g., Data Scientist, Model Trainer, Researcher, etc.).
Provide a brief description of your project, including its purpose, objectives, and how you plan to solve the problem using AI or machine learning techniques.
- Step 1: .......
- Step 2: .....
- ...
- ..
├── data/ # Data files for the project
│ ├── raw/ # Raw data files (do not modify)
│ └── processed/ # Processed datasets (ready for modeling)
├── notebooks/ # Jupyter notebooks for experimentation
│ ├── exploration.ipynb # Initial data exploration
│ └── model_training.ipynb # Model training and evaluation
├── src/ # Source code for the project
│ ├── data_preprocessing.py # Data preprocessing script
│ ├── train_model.py # Model training script
│ └── evaluate_model.py # Model evaluation script
├── reports/ # Project reports and presentations
│ └── final_report.pdf # Final project report
│ └── presentation.pptx # Final presentation slides
├── workshop/ # Folders maintained by each member
│ └── Member1
│ └── Member2
│ └── Member3
│ └── Member4
│ └── Member5
├── README.md # This README file
└── requirements.txt # Python dependencies