Terraform modules for defining opinionated AWS and Terraform Cloud architecture.
Author: Trevor Anderson, Founder of Nerdware
- Terraform Cloud
The following modules have WIP feature branches which will be merged into the main branch upon PR review and acceptance. Resources contained in these modules reflect either a refactoring of existing modules, whereby resources commonly used by several modules are extracted and isolated into their own separate module, or resources which are entirely new to the FCM collection.
Module | Branch | Description |
AWS ACM | feat/AWS_ACM | AWS Certificate manager and cert-related Route53 resources. |
# Clone the project into your local filesystem
git clone git@github.com:Nerdware-LLC/fixit-cloud-modules.git
# Ensure pre-commit is installed (more info: https://pre-commit.com/#install)
pip3 install pre-commit
# Ensure pre-commit git hooks are in place
pre-commit install
# Ensure TFLint is installed (more info: https://github.com/terraform-linters/tflint#readme)
curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/terraform-linters/tflint/master/install_linux.sh | bash
# Ensure TFSec is installed.
go install github.com/aquasecurity/tfsec/cmd/tfsec@latest
# Here we use go, but other methods are available at the link below.
# https://aquasecurity.github.io/tfsec/v1.23.3/guides/installation/
All custom TFSec custom rules must end in _tfchecks.yaml/json
and be placed in the /.tfsec dir.
All scripts and source code contained herein are for commercial use only by Nerdware, LLC.
See LICENSE for more information.