RadioLOGIC: A healthcare model for processing electronic health records and decision-making in breast disease
(RadioLOGIC, RadioLogical repOmics driven model incorporatinG medIcal token Cognition).
- "": Model for ptr-training.
- "": Model for extracting repomics features.
- "": Model for predicting BI-RADS scores and pathological outcome.
- pytorch 1.11.0
- huggingface-hub 0.5.1
- tokenizers 0.12.1
- numpy 1.21.5
- pandas 1.3.5
- scikit-learn 1.0.2
- Framework
Note: Framework and results of our natural language processing model for pre-training. (a) Structure of the model for pre-training-based on Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers. (b) Detailed architecture of the transformer encoder. (c) Flow chart of this study. (d) Schematic diagram of the pre-training process.
- Flowchart
Note: Flowchart and information about target tasks. (A) Flow chart of imaging feature extraction. (B) Architecture of the final model incorporating medical token cognition in this study.
- Results (BI-RADS scores & Pathological outcome)
Note: Prediction results for downstream tasks. (A) Confusion matrix results for predicting BI-RADS scores in the independent test cohort using RadioLOGIC without transfer learning. (B) Confusion matrix results for predicting BI-RADS scores in the independent test cohort using RadioLOGIC via transfer learning. (C) Receiver operating characteristic curves for predicting pathological outcome in the independent test cohort using RNN. (D) Receiver operating characteristic curves for predicting pathological outcome in the independent test cohort using RadioLOGIC. The 95% confidence intervals are shown as a shaded area for the ROC curve. ATT, Attention mechanism. BI-RADS, Breast Imaging-Reporting and Data System. RadioLOGIC, Radiological repomics driven model incorporating medical token cognition. RNN, Recurrent neural networks. TF, Transfer learning.
Note: Visualizations of words and sentence. (A) Word cloud based on all radiological reports. (B) Visualization of word co-occurrence. (C) Association of Top 50 co-occurrence words. (D) Associations between words in a given report after pre-training. (E) The correlation between the selected word and other words in the report.
Repomics: In line with the current terminology for extraction of quantitative data out of unstructured data (e.g. radiomics, pathomics etc.), we propose the we propose the term “repomics” (report omics) for extracting valuable features from electronic health records/reports.
Note: Examples of repomics feature extraction from corresponding images and radiological reports. (A) Mammography. (B) Ultrasound. (C) MRI. "***" in the radiological report indicates the patient's private information.
If this work is helpful for you, please cite our paper as follows:
Zhang, T. et al. RadioLOGIC, a healthcare model for processing electronic health records and decision-making in breast disease. Cell Reports Medicine, 2023, 4(8).
If you have any questions please contact us.
Email: (Ritse Mann); (Tao Tan); (Tianyu Zhang)
Links: Netherlands Cancer Institute, Radboud University Medical Center and Maastricht University