We are developing and deploying a wearable sensor to measure brain activity.We use infrared light to non-invasively measure changing oxygen concentration in the user’s brain, and relate this to changes in the user’s condition by using the functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) technique.Our product "Moodie" measures users' emotional changes during movies and TV series and reports these changes to the user statistically.To test the hardware and collect data, we developed this python code.It collects the device data while watching test videos and stores the results for each test user.For our mobile application, the user starts the test when he/she starts watching the movie, and at the same time, the raw data is transferred to our mobile application with the esp32 bluetooth module in our device.We send this raw data from 4 different sensors as well as the user's age, weight and height information to the Azure environment.Afterwards, data analysis is performed on the data we send and we analyze 8 different emotional states of the user on the chart by retrieving the meaningful data.
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