Releases: Neutralizer/MovementControllerByNeutralizer
Added Toggle Pause Button to halt virtual button execution
Added Toggle Pause Button to halt virtual button execution when the program has been started. Also added pause textual indication on camera panel header (when paused).
Background update rate slider added - anti flicker measure
Added a background update rate slider to further manage the flickering from cameras with autofocus. All sliders must be adjusted accordingly to reduce flickering.
Detection Limiter added - anti flicker measure
Added a detection limiter to counter the flickering of cameras with permanent auto focus. Comes with a slider to adjust the action disabling and DETECTION DISABLED text in the video feed title when the buttons will not be pressed due to this limiter.
Logger added
File logger is added - it will save the errors to a file in the directory.
Auto creating properties file when there is none
v0.0.9-alpha Single Todo removed
Minor bugfixes and quality of life improvements
v0.0.8-alpha Removed test panels
Blur slider added
Minor bugfixes also
FPS limiter added
v0.0.6-alpha Changelog updated
File saving bugfix
File saving bugfix and current directory usage only change
Table to manipulate virtual keys added
Main program which is executable jar and several presets - put them in the same folder and run the jar.