Yeoman generator for preact.js (not react!!!) / mithril.js using mainly JSX with gulp , rollup and other goodies
NEW URL generator-jsx @ gitlab
Yes, FU github!
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
$ npm install --save generator-jsx
$ yo jsx
It has been taken me longer than expect to research on the rollup
(I just don't like webpack black box style operation from various build tools!)
Finally got it, first search the core functionality here, then I will fix up the generator for use.
To start, when I coding this generator, I am working against a skeleton built by the preact cli.
And got trip over by the way they handle CSS, I really hate the idea to import
css into your js code, well I guess the whole point of using
JSX is to have all this thing together under one root ...
The following is a complete, and working code for rollup to bundle your app code (with CSS import using postcss
async function rollupApp() {
const bundle = await rollup.rollup({
input: 'src/index.js',
watch: {
include: 'src/**'
// moduleName: pkg.amdName,
plugins: [
extract: true,
sourceMap: true,
minimize: true,
plugins: [
babelrc: false,
comments: false,
exclude: 'node_modules/**',
presets: [
['env', {
"modules": false,
"targets": {
"browsers": ["last 2 versions", "safari >= 7"]
plugins: [
jsnext: true,
main: true,
browser: true,
include: 'node_modules/**',
exclude: '**/*.css'
await bundle.write({
banner: '/* The Shoot App version ' + pkg.version + ' */',
sourcemap: true,
format: 'umd',
file: join(paths.dest, 'app.min.js'),
name: pkg.amdName,
The postcss
plugin will grab all your css files. In my case, I only keep one top level ./styles/index.css
(many @import
A discovery was made during setting this up, according to the postcss-import documentation.
You should able to import a npm module by it's name. But it didn't work. I was using bulma.
/* this won't work */
@import "bulma";
/* instead point to the location within the node_modules directory */
@import "bulma/css/bulma.css";
Then it works correctly, hope this help someone else out there.
UPDATE to make the two compatible (preact-cli and rollup, because I am using both on different things). I change the file and rollup config as follow
In your CSS:
@import "";
Then in your rollup config, add new rollup-plugin-replace plugin. And add it before your postcss
plugins: [
exclude: '**/*.js', // don't want any js files
'': 'bulma/css/bulma.css'
extract: true,
sourceMap: true,
minimize: true,
plugins: [
Now your bulma.css
file will get bundle into your build css file.
Next, another rollup call to bundle your vendor files. First you need to setup a separate vendor.js
to import modules:
// vendor.js
import { h, Component } from 'preact';
import { Router, route } from 'preact-router';
import { createHashHistory } from 'history';
import store from 'store';
import _ from 'lodash';
import classNames from 'classnames';
// import axios from 'axios/dist/axios',
import superagent from 'superagent';
import noUiSlider from 'nouislider';
import linkState from 'linkstate';
import authentication from '@feathersjs/authentication';
import authenticationClient from '@feathersjs/authentication-client';
import jwt from '@feathersjs/authentication-jwt';
import feathers from '@feathersjs/feathers';
import rest from '@feathersjs/rest-client';
There was one problem I couldn't fix. It was the axios ajax library. Rollup just keep throwing
Error: Unexpected token
. So I change it to superagent instead.
But even superagent
is not straight forward, the problem is they didn't include a proper browser
field in their package.json (seriously?!!!)
And they ship with one version for node.js another one is for the browser.
If you just use the node.js and try to bundle it. Rollup will throw a sh Error: Illegal reassignment to import 'commonjsHelpers'
To fix this, you need to tell rollup-plugin-node-resolve
which file to use. See the customResolveOptions
Then your vendor rollup:
async function rollupVendor() {
const bundle = await rollup.rollup({
input: 'src/vendor.js',
plugins: [
include: [
join('node_modules', '**')
ignoreGlobal: false,
sourceMap: false
jsnext: true,
main: false,
browser: true,
customResolveOptions: {
'node_modules/superagent/superagent.js': 'superagent'
await bundle.write({
sourcemap: false,
format: 'umd',
name: 'theShootAppDeps',
file: join(paths.dest, 'vendor.min.js')
To use them, just setup them up in your gulpfile.js
const { rollupApp, rollupVendor } = require('./gulp-scripts/rollup');
gulp.task('script:app', rollupApp);
gulp.task('script:vendor', rollupVendor);
gulp.task('main', gulp.series('script:vendor', 'script:app'));
More coming soon ...
MIT © Joel Chu