Wind Speed Estimates interpolated for 80m elevation by Applied Technology & Management from original data estimates at 50m & 100m produced by TrueWind Solutions using their Mesomap system and historical weather data. This work was commissioned by the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative, in conjunction with the Connecticut Clean Energy Fund and Northeast Utilities, and the results have been validated by NREL.
NOTE: Data is not suitable for micro-siting potential development projects. This shapefile was generated from a raster dataset with a 200 m resolution, in a UTM zone 19 datum WGS 84 projection system. As the data exists and as distributed from RIGIS the data are in NAD83 Rhode Island State Plane Coordinates in US Survey feet.
To further understand the objectives, assumptions and methodology used in generating the resulting areas provided in these files, the following report should be consulted: FINAL REPORT RIWINDS PHASE I: WIND ENERGY SITING STUDY April 2007 -
These data are intended for use in general planning of Wind Power Development for Rhode Island.