- Make sure you read the release notes carefully
- The cluster should use a static control plane and etcd pods or external etcd
- Make sure to back up any important components, such as app-level state stored in a database kubeadm upgrade does not touch your workloads, only components internal to Kubernetes, but backups are always a best practice.
- Swap must be disabled
- It's recommended to determine which version to upgrade to, check the procedure here
- just copy the file k8-cp-upgrade.sh to your machine
- Change permission
chown +x k8-cp-upgrade.sh
# Upgrading K8s Control plane to latest stable 1.20.0 version
# Author: Newton Costa
# Repo: github.com/NewtonCosta/k8s-cp-upgrade-script
# Create on: 2021-03-26
# NOTE: The upgrade procedure on control plane nodes should be executed one node at a time. Pick a control plane node that you wish to upgrade first
# Global variables
echo -e "Starting upgrade...\n"
# Draining control plane. Prepare the node for maintenance by marking it unschedulable and evicting the workloads
# You have to enter your node name as a parameter when invoking the script, otherwise it will use the value of HOSTNAME environment variable
echo -e "> Draining control plane \e[1m${NODE_NAME}\e[0m \n"
sudo kubectl drain ${NODE_NAME} --ignore-daemonsets
# Upgrading Kubeadm and showing the new version
echo -e "> Upgrading kubeadm...\n"
sudo apt-mark unhold kubeadm && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y kubeadm="${KUBEADM_VERSION}-00" && sudo apt-mark hold kubeadm
echo "Upgraded to version: `sudo kubeadm version`"
# Verifying upgrade plan
echo -e "> Checking upgrade plan...\n"
sudo kubeadm upgrade plan "v${KUBEADM_VERSION}"
# Applying the upgrade
echo -e "> Aplying the upgrade ignoring automatic certificate renewal...\n"
sudo kubeadm upgrade apply "v${KUBEADM_VERSION}" --certificate-renewal=false --yes
# Upgrade kubelet and kubectl
echo -e "> Upgrading kubelet and kubectl\n"
sudo apt-mark unhold kubelet kubectl && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y kubelet="${KUBELET_VERSION}" kubectl="${KUBECTL_VERSION}" && sudo apt-mark hold kubelet kubectl
# Restarting the kubelet
sudo systemctl daemon-reload && sudo systemctl restart kubelet
echo -e "daemon reloaded and kubelet restarted\n"
# Uncordoning the node
echo -e "> Bring the node back online by marking it schedulable...\n"
kubectl uncordon ${NODE_NAME}
echo -e "\nControl plane ${HOSTNAME} \e[32msuccessfuly\e[0m upgraded\n"
Note: After upgrade procedure all containers are restarted, because the container spec hash value is changed.