This is the sample code and project for the tutorial on using the Nexosis Swift API Client to gather user data from iOS. It shows how to collect user input and sensor data and push it to the Nexosis API.
Install Cocoapods if you never have:
$ sudo gem install cocoapods
Clone this repo:
$ git clone
Copy Settings.plist:
$ cp Grumply/Settings.plist.example Grumply/Settings.plist
Edit Grumply/Settings.plist
and replace YOUR API KEY with your API key.
Install pods:
$ pod install
Launch Xcode:
$ open Grumply.xcworkspace
If you are using Cocoapods 1.3, there is a bug where the swift version is not set to match the pods that are installed. For this repo, Alamofire will not compile. Set it Swift version to 3.2 and you'll be golden!
There is currently a bug in the NexosisApiClient where calls to delete from all records instead of just records for a time period. This is pre-alpha code. Use with caution.