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In the Moment (ITM) - TA3 Server

This README provides a guide to set up and run the TA3 ITM server application.


Ensure you have Python 3.10 installed on your system. If you don't have it installed, you can download it from the official Python website.


  1. First, we need to setup a Python virtual environment. Navigate to the directory where you cloned the repository and run the following command to create a new virtual environment:
python -m venv venv
  1. Activate the newly created virtual environment with:
source venv/bin/activate

On Windows, the method to activate depends on the shell:

  • Git Bash: source venv/Scripts/activate
  • PowerShell: venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1
  • cmd.exe: venv\Scripts\activate.bat


Rename config.ini.template file to config.ini. The default values are for the production server, so you will probably want to change SOARTECH_URL, ADEPT_URL, SAVE_HISTORY, and SAVE_HISTORY_TO_S3. See the template for likely values.

The following properties can be configured:

    • default is phase1 but dryrun and metrics are also supported
    • default is swagger_server/itm/data/%(EVALUATION_TYPE)s/scenarios/
    • default is triage
    • default is triage
    • default is
    • default is
    • default is True
    • default is itm_history_output
    • default is True
    • default is itm-ui-assets
    • default is adept,soartech
  • A variety of ADEPT and SoarTech properties for filenames, scenario IDs, and alignment target IDs

NOTE: the trailing s in .../data/%(EVALUATION_TYPE)s/... is needed for string interpolation to work properly.

Scenario filename convention

Scenario files must be named in the following format to be read by the server at runtime (without punctuation except the indicated hyphens). This is the same convention used in the metrics evaluation:

  • <EVALUATION_TYPE>-<ta1name>-[eval|train]-<id>.yaml

Please note:

  1. EVALUATION_TYPE is the value of the configuration variable defined in config.ini;
  2. ta1name is either soartech or adept;
  3. Use eval for evaluation scenarios and train for training scenarios; and
  4. The id should be derived from the scenario ID in the YAML file, although it isn't required, e.g., qol, MJ2, urban, etc.

Installation and Usage


Once setup and configuration are complete, to install the server, simply run:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Running from the command line

To run the server, please execute from the root directory with the following usage:

usage: python -m swagger_server [-h] [-t] [-c CONFIG_GROUP] [-p PORT]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG_GROUP, --config_group CONFIG_GROUP
                        Specify the configuration group in `config.ini` used to launch the Swagger server (default = DEFAULT)
  -p PORT, --port PORT  Specify the port the Swagger server will listen on (default = 8080)
  -t, --testing         Put the server in test mode which will run standalone and not connect to TA1.

You can browse the API at:


Your Swagger definition lives here:


To launch the integration tests, use tox:

sudo pip install tox

Running with Docker

To run the server on a Docker container, please execute the following from the root directory:

# building the image
docker build -t swagger_server .

# starting up a container
docker run -p 8080:8080 swagger_server

Running with docker on separate instances

To run with TA1 on multiple systems set docker env vars for ADM host, Soartech Host, and ADEPT Host.

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name itm-server itm-server

** Note, If setting TA3_PORT to anything other then the default requires the docker run command to expose those ports. Can write the above command as $TA3_PORT:$TA3_PORT however, this will not work if it is not set and won't default.

Manual runs on separate instances

If running the command instead of docker set the environment variables for:

  • TA3_PORT (default:8080)

Updating models

This requires JDK 8 or higher to run the gradle tool.

The models in swagger_server/models are generated from the following file:

  • swagger/swagger.yaml

If this file is updated it will need to be re-generated and checked in. Run ./gradlew to do this.

NOTE: When you regenerate models, this will remove the allowed enum values in,, and If you make changes to these model objects (presumably by adding enums), you'll need to undo the generated changes and add your new enum values manually. See this OpenAPI issue for background info.

Adding a domain

To add a domain, you'll need to:

  1. Update the YAML definition of certain domain-specific versions of the model and define nested state;
  2. Implement a domain-specific version of certain ITM server classes;
  3. Create domain-specific tests;
  4. Create and update configuration; and
  5. Document your domain actions in the itm-client-evaluation repository.

Update YAML definition

Modify the definitions of the domain-specific versions of various state objects (i.e., the model), namely:

  • DomainState: high-level, domain-specific state relevant to a scenario or a scene therein
  • DomainCharacter: domain-specific attributes of the characters in the scenario
  • DomainDemographics: domain-specific demographic attributes of the characters in the scenario
  • DomainConditions domain-specific conditions that specify whether to transition to the next scene or send a probe response
  • DomainThreatTypeEnum: domain-specific type or nature of the risk or threat to the characters in the sceanrio, or to the decision-maker
  • DomainCharacterRoleEnum: domain-specific primary roles a character may have in the scene
  • DomainActionTypeEnum: domain-specific (string) action types supported in the server
  • EntityTypeEnum: domain-specific enumeration of available entity types; can be a subject or object of a MESSAGE action

Add YAML definitions for any nested objects defined in the above state objects. If any other model objects require domain-specific content, then create both a Base and Domain version of each object, and change the current object to include both of these versions with the allOf keyword. This may also entail other server code changes. All YAML changes should be made to the swagger/swagger.yaml file, and used by your client ADM. Note that the hope is to move all domain-specific state to a separate file, but this isn't supported cross-platform with our current dependencies.

Implement domain-specific classes

Create a directory, swagger_server/itm/domains/<domainname>, and implement the following classes:

  • <Domain>Config, which implements the ITMDomainConfig protocol, which defines factory-like methods for creating domain objects
  • <Domain>ActionHandler (a subclass of ITMActionHandler), with:
    • validate_domain_action for validating domain-specific actions
    • process_domain_action for the core business logic of handling a domain-specific action
    • load_action_times: for loading a mapping of domain-specific action types and simulated elapsed time for processing the action
  • <Domain>Scenario (a subclass of ITMScenario), with:
    • merge_state for merging domain-specific state from a new scene into the current state
    • clear_hidden_data in case any state data should be hidden at scene start
  • <Domain>ScenarioReader (a subclass of ITMScenarioReader), with the methods generate_state, convert_to_itmscene, and, if there are any domain-specific conditions, generate_conditions
  • <Domain>Scene (a subclass of ITMScene), with:
    • evaluate_domain_conditions if there are any domain-specific conditions
    • get_valid_action_types if there are conditions where non-restricted domain-specific actions should NOT be added as available actions

Create domain-specific tests

Create a directory, swagger_server/itm/data/domains/<domainname>/test and add domain-specific tests, and/or domain-specific variants of existing tests.

Create and update configuration

Make the following changes to configuration (config.ini.template, replicated in config.ini):

  • Create a file, <domainname>ActionTimes.json> in swagger_server/itm/data/domains/<domainname>/ with a dictionary of domain-specific action types and simulated time (in seconds) for a given action to be performed.
  • Update the SUPPORTED_DOMAINS and (if desired) DEFAULT_DOMAIN keywords in config.ini.template and config.ini at the root level.

Document your domain

You should document your domain for multiple audiences, including scenario writers and TA2 ADMs. Some suggestions:

  • In the TA3 client repository, create a new file at the root level, README-<domainname>.md, a Markdown file with a description of domain-specific actions and FAQs. The audience is primarily ADM writers.
  • Consider writing a document like this that documents every property in the domain-specific state, including controlled vocabulary, data type, and how to use each field.
  • If the domain uses a wide variety of controlled vocabulary, consider writing a glossary that documents each property and possible value.

Adding a TA1

To add a TA1, you'll need to create and update configuration and implement a domain-specific version of certain ITM server classes. You'll also have to update the TA3 client repository if you want to be able to use its sample clients. See its README for details.

Create and update configuration

Make the following changes to configuration (config.ini.template, replicated in config.ini):

  • Add a new all-lowercase ta1 name to ALL_TA1_NAMES.
  • Define the following variables in both the DEFAULT and GROUP_TARGET configuration groups:

Implement domain-specific classes

In the directory swagger_server/itm/ta1, create a child class <TA1name>Ta1Controller of ITMTa1Controller, and implement all abstract methods (e.g., get_ta1name, get_alignment_ids_path, and new_session, among others). Override any ITMTa1Controller methods as necessary. Add code to get the configuration values defined above (see current TA1 controllers for examples). Depending how extensive/different your TA1 server is from current cases, you may need to make changes to ITMTa1Controller.