TEST ONLY his script is used only by the NextDom team !
Script to automaticaly install NextDom from APT or GIT
Be carreful, it will wipe all previous data and backup of NextDom
To run :
$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NextDom/NextDom_Installer/master/NextDom_Installer_v1.9a.sh
$ sudo chmod +x NextDom_Installer_v1.8.sh
$ sudo ./NextDom_Installer_v1.8.sh
Type -? or -help to know how use it
v1.9a : on purge avant la suppression des dossiers
v1.8 : 20200108 : Add RPI compatibility
V1.7 : 20200106 : Correction typo par GiDom
V1.6 : 20191230 : Transformation en fonctions par iWils