- libvips 8.10+
- C compatible compiler such as gcc 4.6+ or clang 3.0+
- Go 1.20+
Use homebrew to install vips and pkg-config:
brew install vips pkg-config
You need a recent libvips to work with govips. New govips functionality is continuously added which takes advantage of new libvips functionality. Groovy (20.10) and Hirsute (21.04) repositories have working versions. However on Focal (20.04), you need to install libvips and dependencies from a backports repository:
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:strukturag/libde265
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:strukturag/libheif
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tonimelisma/ppa
sudo apt -y install libvips-dev
The recommended approach on Windows is to use Govips via WSL and Ubuntu.
If you need to run Govips natively on Windows, it's not difficult but will require some effort.
On MacOS, govips may not compile without first setting an environment variable:
export CGO_CFLAGS_ALLOW="-Xpreprocessor"
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