This project was made with the intention to learn and get a hand on a real-world data challenge and at the same time try to develop engineering best practices about the most used Data Eng stack such as Apache Airflow and AWS S3, and for that, we decided to create a pipeline to consume data from Twitter API and analyze them.
The first thing to do is to run the command
make requirements
This command install all the necessary libraries for the project.
After that type
make up
It will run the docker compose containers for Airflow.
For all this to work correctly we had to set up a AWS S3 credentials.
On Airflow UI, go to Admin > Connections.
Create a new connection with the following attributes:
Conn Id: my_conn_S3
Conn Type: S3
Extra: {"aws_access_key_id":"_your_aws_access_keyid", "aws_secret_access_key": "_your_aws_secret_accesskey"}
Leave all the other fields (Host, Schema, Login) blank.
The next step was to create the Pipelines using Airflow DAGs.
The first DAG`s task instanciate the class Twitter
and runs the method make_req
to ingest the tweets with the chosen parans like hashtag, number of requests and number of tweets per request.
t = Twitter(bearer_token)
params = {"query": "#HouseOfTheDragon", "ntweets": 100, "nreq": 200}
tweets, users = t.make_req(params["query"], params["ntweets"], params["nreq"])
We used Spark to process the data and ingest it into the lake.
tweets =
In the second DAG, which is in, Pandas were used, with SQL Alchemy, to create a Postgres database acting as a warehouse.
engine = create_engine(
final_df.to_sql("tweets", engine, if_exists = 'replace')
The next step in this flow was to model the data in a way to facilitate data consumption. For that we chose DBT, a powerful tool for data wrangling and Analytics Engineering, to make the transformations, to struct data, and to create data lineage.
We structured the models in intermediate and datamart, so you can use
dbt run
This command creates all the views.
Our last step was data visualization itself. For that a dashboard using Streamlit was the choice, consuming data directly from our Postgres “Data Warehouse”.
The dashboards can be seen here: Dashboards