Pixels & Code
- North Wales
- www.pixelsandcode.co.uk
python-demoapp Public
Forked from benc-uk/python-demoappSimple Python Flask web application designed for running in containers for demos
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJul 14, 2022 -
Simplify-Testing-with-React-Testing-Library Public
Forked from PacktPublishing/Simplify-Testing-with-React-Testing-LibrarySimplify Testing with React Testing Library, published by Packt
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 10, 2021 -
chord-fingering Public
Forked from hyvyys/chord-fingeringCalculate possible fingerings for a given chord and string tuning.
JavaScript GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedSep 21, 2021 -
react-linkify Public
Forked from tasti/react-linkifyReact component to parse links (urls, emails, etc.) in text into clickable links
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedAug 11, 2021 -
trefle-api Public
Forked from treflehq/trefle-api🍀 Trefle is a botanical JSON REST API for plants species, allowing you to search and query over all the registered species, and build the next gardening apps and farming robots.
Ruby GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 UpdatedMay 3, 2021 -
react-ab-test Public
Forked from pushtell/react-ab-testA/B testing React components and debug tools. Isomorphic with a simple, universal interface. Well documented and lightweight. Tested in popular browsers and Node.js. Includes helpers for Mixpanel a…
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 7, 2020 -
carbon-components-react Public
Forked from carbon-design-system/carbon-components-reactReact components for the Carbon Design System
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 26, 2018 -
material-ui Public
Forked from mui/material-uiReact components that implement Google's Material Design.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedAug 21, 2018 -
alchemy Public
Forked version of React Slingshot, with some Sass tools, sandbox.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJun 28, 2018 -
react-drift Public
Forked from jaketrent/react-driftStyling React Components - Pluralsight course material
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedAug 15, 2017 -
fractal.build Public
Forked from frctl/fractal.buildFractal website and documentation.
CSS UpdatedJan 26, 2017 -
edition-node-gulp Public
Forked from pattern-lab/edition-node-gulpThe gulp wrapper around patternlab-node core, providing tasks to interact with the core library and move supporting frontend assets.
CSS MIT License UpdatedDec 28, 2016 -
lemonstand.github.com Public
Forked from lemonstand/lemonstand.github.comLemonStand Open Source Portal
CSS UpdatedMay 2, 2016 -
gulp-starter Public
Forked from vigetlabs/blendidA delicious blend of gulp tasks combined into a configurable asset pipeline and static site builder
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMar 30, 2016 -
angular.js Public
Forked from angular/angular.jsHTML enhanced for web apps
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMar 4, 2016 -