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Laravel Blitz View Package

Facade for Blitz template PHP extensions.


Default cache type is "file", prepared templates store into laravel "storage/blitz_compiled" folder (may change in config). By default, caching is disabled, you may change "cache_enabled" to "true" in "config/blitz.php"

Installation For Laravel

Require this package with Composer

$ composer require nickyx3/blitz

Then run

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="NickyX3\Blitz\Providers\BlitzServiceProvider"


Default configuration

    'templates_folder'      => 'blitz_view',
    'cache_type'            => 'file',
    'cache_enabled'         => false,
    'compiled_folder'       => 'blitz_compiled',
    'scope_lookup_limit'    => 8,
    'php_callbacks_first'   => 1,
    'namespace_finder'      => [

Config parameters

  • templates_folder - where source templates relative to laravel resources folder
  • cache_type - 'file' or 'redis', default 'file'
  • cache_enabled - enabled or disabled caching, default 'false'
  • compiled_folder - where store cache relative to laravel storage folder, also if cache type 'redis' redis key is full path to compiled file in filesystem like 'file' cache type
  • scope_lookup_limit - blitz extension ini parameter
  • php_callbacks_first - blitz extension ini parameter
  • namespace_finder - in which namespace the template processor will look for classes specified in templates as callbacks. For example, you wrote in the template Lang::get('DefaultTitle'). The processor will find the first matching class in these namespaces and expand it into a fully qualified class name with a namespace (Illuminate\Support\Facades\Lang::get('DefaultTitle')). If the class is not found, then the callback will be deleted.


Example Controller

use NickyX3\Blitz\Facade\BlitzView;

Route::get('/', function () {
    return BlitzView::apply('example.blitz-extend',['title'=>'Blitz Title']);

Method apply returns Illuminate\Http\Response, also method make is alias for apply


The command is also available to clear the template cache

$ php artisan blitz:clear


If Blitz generate error, throw custom BlitzException with integrated renderer. This exception will be rendered if your env APP_DEBUG=true, otherwise simple laravel error 500 with abort helper.

Template Syntax Features

Unlike Blitz, which can only do include, template "up" inheritance works like in Blade Engine. The following Blade directives are supported: @yield, @extends, @section and @endsection placed in an HTML comment tag. Also added Blade @csrf helper support, in HTML comment tag like <!-- @csrf -->or direct @csrf


  • "example/master.tpl" template
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<!-- @yield('content') -->
  • "blitz-extend.tpl" template
<!-- @extends('example.master') -->
<!-- @section('content') -->
<div class="child-template">this is template extends example/master.tpl</div>
<!-- @endsection -->

How callbacks works?

  • Some Blitz directives like inline conditions with callbacks will be transform info full version, because callbacks not work in conditions
{{ if($title,$title,Lang::get('DefaultTitle')) }}

transform into

{{ IF $title }}{{ $title }}{{ ELSE }}{{ Illuminate\Support\Facades\Lang::get('DefaultTitle') }}{{ END if-title }}
  • Full Blitz IF condition wth callback like this
{{ IF App::currentLocale()=='en' }}
    currentLocale: {{ App::currentLocale() }}
{{ ELSE }}
    currentLocale not 'en'
{{ END }}

will be transformed to this code in cached template

{{ IF Illuminate\Support\Facades\App::currentLocale()=='en' }}
    currentLocale: {{ Illuminate\Support\Facades\App::currentLocale() }}
{{ ELSE }}
    currentLocale not 'en'
{{ END }}

but after get "compiled" template all callbacks like that will be converted to variables on the fly

{{ IF $callback_83e69f8a22cc276d050d93f63c89a290=='en' }}
    currentLocale: {{ $callback_83e69f8a22cc276d050d93f63c89a290 }}
{{ ELSE }}
    currentLocale not 'en'
{{ END }}

where variable $callback_83e69f8a22cc276d050d93f63c89a290 will be set result of eval Illuminate\Support\Facades\App::currentLocale();. If there are callbacks in the template that match the callbacks in the condition, they will also be replaced with this variable in order not to call the callback multiple times

Have fun!

Perhaps the code is not very good, I'm new to Laravel and also very poorly documented because I'm going on vacation. Maybe I'll make detailed comments later :-)

Additions and corrections welcome