I'm too lazy to search for every single package that
I need so I created some scripts to run on a fresh install.
Before anyone send something, yes, I have some dotfiles but
I will not share them since I can leak some password or something
by accident so...
I hope this would help someone lazy like me lol.
The scripts offers installation of a few development tools
and languages, such as:
Type | Name |
Terminal | Z shell |
Terminal Framework | Oh-My-Zsh |
IDE | LunarVim |
Language | NodeJS |
Language | Rust |
Framework | Tauri |
The script also offers the user to install a few Window Managers:
Type | Name |
Tiling | Qtile |
And you can choose if you want X11 or Wayland (if possible)!
It also will install some programs for a better user experience:
Type | Name |
Boot loader | GNU GRUB |
Browser | Vivaldi |
Compositor | Picom |
Image Viewer | Feh |
Status Bar | Polybar |
Terminal Emulator | Wezterm |
Menu | Dmenu |
Menu | Rofi or Wofi |
Menu | Pavucontrol |
Miscellaneous | Unclutter |
Notifications | Dunst |
If you choose to use grub, you can also install some themes!
This last message applies for every theme you can select, SDDM, GRUB, or anything else. The script will only install it.