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Intelligent Autonomous Robot

About the project

Autonomous navigation of an omnidirectional robot for automation.

RNS - ROS Navigation Stack

The Navigation Stack is a set of ROS nodes and algorithms that are used to move a robot from one point to another autonomously, avoiding all obstacles that the robot might encounter in its path. ROS Navigation Stack comes with an implementation of various navigation-related algorithms that can help you perform autonomous navigation on your mobile robots.


  • Odometry Source: A robot's odometry data provides the robot's position relative to its home position. The main sources of odometry are wheel encoders, IMU and 2D/3D cameras (visual odometry). The odom value must be published on the navigation stack, which has a nav_msgs/Odometry message type. The odom message can maintain the robot's position and speed.

  • Sensor source: Sensors are used for two tasks in navigation: one to locate the robot on the map (using for example the laser) and another to detect obstacles in the robot's path (using the laser , sonar or point clouds).

  • sensor transforms/tf: the data captured by the different sensors of the robot must be referenced to a common frame of reference (generally the base_link) in order to be able to compare the data coming from different sensors. The robot must publish the relationship between the coordinate frame of the main robot and the frames of the different sensors using ROS transformations.

  • base_controller: The main function of the base controller is to convert the output of the navigation stack, which is a Twist message (geometry_msgs/Twist), into corresponding motor speeds for the robot.

Clone the repository

git clone


Install the following dependencies:

cd navegation-ros
chmod +x


To start the robot, run the following command:

cd navegation-ros/catkin_ws
source devel/setup.bash

To start the simulation:

roslaunch robot_nav bringup.launch


Start the map:

roslaunch robot_nav gmapping_basic.launch

Save the map:

rosrun map_server map_saver -f your_map_name

This will create two files, a your_map_name.pgm file and a your_map_name.yaml file. Both files are required and must always be in the same directory. Installing the map:

cp your_map_name.* ~/navegation-warehouse/catkin_ws/src/robot_nav/configs/navigation/maps/

To use the map that has been saved:

export MAP_NAME=your_map_name


Start localization:

roslaunch robot_nav navigation_basic_amcl.launch

If you don't have the map (SLAM):

roslaunch robot_nav navigation_basic_slam.launch

Web Page

To start the website:

python -m http.server 7000

After starting a web server, access the web page with the command:

roslaunch robot_nav web.launch

This launch provides a ws protocol for communication with the web page.

To facilitate access to the web page, a script was created: The file path is: navigation-ros/catkin_ws/src/robot_nav/src/main.js

let vueApp = new Vue({
    el: "#vueApp",
    data: {
      // ros connection
      ros: null,
      rosbridge_address: '', // adicionar o endereço do rosbridge

Web page:

Web page for robot control, using ROS. WebPage


The repository structure and settings are described below:

|-- src
    |-- aws-robomaker-small-warehouse-world # mundo utilizado
    |-- robot_nav
        |-- config
           |-- controller 
           |-- imu
           |-- kinematics
           |-- navigation
               |-- amcl
               |-- gmapping
               |-- maps
               |-- move_base
           |-- rviz
           |-- sensor_fusion
        |-- docs
        |-- launch
        |-- robots
        |-- src
        |-- worlds
    |-- webPage
        |-- async_web_server_cpp
        |-- web_video_server

Documentation on how the navigation stack in ROS works

To use with another robot, just change the config configuration files, and add the robot model in the robots directory.