A web application for programming error and solution storage
video: https://youtu.be/FxkfDnX9NW0
I think 11 out of 15 them was new to me (only know Oracle DB, SQL*Plus, Bootstrap, Junit and JavaDoc before this)
IDE - Eclipse enterprise
+ Maven
to manage dependencies
Frontend - ReactJS
framework + Bootstrap
+ NodeJS
server + REST
API + Jest
UI testing + Postman
API testing & documentation
Backend - Spring boot
MVC framework + Hibernate
+ Tomcat
server + JUnit 5
testing + JavaDoc
Database - H2
database for testing data + Oracle
database + SQL*Plus
API Documentation with Postman: https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/14239920/TVza9thD
Backend JavaDoc: https://github.com/NicoleTYF/Codera/tree/main/javadoc (need to clone this project to see)