JsonDB is a simple DataBase system written in php and json, that can store online data and recover them in any programming language.
To use JsonDB you can use the demo_key api key, but everyone can read the data in the demo_key DataBase.
You can get your own API key at this link, and use it. You can generate multiple API keys, and use them in different applications, or all in one big application.
Unfortunately, I have tried to upload on pypi, but it gives me so many errors. To install, you must to put the file in src/jsondb.py in the main directory of your project.
After installation, you can easy get datas from your JsonDB in python, with only three lines of code:
import jsondb
jsondb.storeValue("Tag", "Value")
import jsondb
value = jsondb.geValue("Tag")
import jsondb
db = jsondb.getDb()
You can access to JsonDB in any programming language, or use my GUI to manage it.
To access JsonDB you must to make an HTTP request to some URLs