My name is Nikhil and I am a student, hacker & developer from India.
I am the leader of a Hack Club of over 500 members. I enjoy building bots, apps, silly webpages and experimenting with new things. I'm a huge Linux & FOSS fan. I'm keenly interested in Cybersecurity. I mostly code in Javascript, Python & Go. If you want to know more about my tech stack, you can read about it here. I love to play and solve CTF challenges as well as to take part in Cryptic Hunts.
I absolutely love researching and knowing new things - as well as hacking on weird stuff and random ideas I get. I'm good at seamlessly collaborating with teams and people to build awesome things, manage projects and productive teams. Ask me anything, I'm always glad to help you out! Always up for a coffee chat, collaboration, open-source and much more. Catch me at my twitter, socials or drop me an email and don't hesitate to reach out to me directly.