Dataset Used: Walmart Recruiting - Store Sales Forecasting Link to dataset:
Task: Predict the Weekly Sales of Department
All those are Google Colab Ipynb notebooks.
Following are the steps involved in achieving the task.
Data Preparation:
Using Pandas I’m reading the .csv files and storing them as Pandas Dataframe as df_features, df_stores, df_test, df_train. After observing the dataframes I merged the same columns of df_deatures, df_stores with df_train and saved it in the variable named df_frame. Now there were NaN values in columns MarkDown1, MarkDown2, MarkDown3, MarkDown4, MarkDown5. I replaced all the NaN values with Zero. There are negative values in Weekly_Sales, MarkDown2, MarkDown3 columns, I used “dataframe.describe()” function of Pandas for this. As these column values can not be negative, I substituted the negative values with Zero. From the Date column I separated out the Month, Date and Year and concatenated with data_frame and dropped the Data column. Column IsHoliday have Boolean values so I converted them to 0 and 1. 1==IsHoliday and 0==NoHoliday. Using sklearn “LabelEncoder” I converted the categorical values of column Type to numerical values viz 0 (A), 1(B), 2(C). The above entire process is followed for test dataset as well and final test dataframe is called data_frame_test. Finally the dependable and independent features are separated out.
For Training
The dependable feature/ Ground truth values termed as “y” gets the column Weekly_Sales. The independent features forms input features “X”. Shape of X: (421570,17). Here I did feature selection using “feature_importances_”. The reason behind it is explained in the model section. After doing the feature selection now shape of X becomes (421570,12). For Testing The independent features forms input features “X_test”. Shape of X_test: (115065,12). Here we predict “y” and append it to the submission file.
As per the competition the evaluation matrix for this dataset is Weighted Mean Absolute Error (WMAE):
WMAE = 1/(Ʃw ) Ʃi=1 to n wi | yi – yprediction | where, n is the number of rows yprediction is the predicted sales yi is the actual sales wi are weights. w = 5 if the week is a holiday week, 1 otherwise
In my code I have written a function which calculates the WAME score. Apart from WMAE I’m also using R2_score as an evaluating matrix. R2 indicates the proportion of variance of output “y” in accordance with the input features “X”. R2_score = 1 - (Ʃi=1 to n (yi – yprediction)^2 )/(Ʃi=1 to n (yi – yhat)^2) where, n is the number of data samples yprediction is the predicted values yi is the actual values yhat is 1/(n) Ʃi=1 to n yi R2_score can be sometimes negative which is a indication that the trained model is performing poorly. The best R2_score is 1.
Models Trained:
A) Artificial Neural Network from Scratch using Numpy
Code file name is “LineaRegression_Regularization_Dropout.ipynb”(Run this file initially). Then you need to run “Walmart_Comp.ipynb” file for training and testing.
This code is the extension of the assignment provided by Dr. Andrew Ng in his Specialization Course. I modified his code to perform L1/L2 Regularization, Relu/Sigmoid/Softmax Activations, Dropout, Adam optimization. Since this is a regression task, I built a “2 Hidden Layer” Neural Network.
In my first attempt I normalized the input data using “MinMaxScaler” and “train_test_split” function of sklearn. I’m splitting the data in 60/40 ratio. I tried training with L1 regularization and the results were not satisfactory so I used L2 regularization. I observed negative value of R2 scores. So, I started hypertuning various parameters like weight initialization, number of layers in the Neural Net, mini-batch size, ratio of train-test split, learning rate, regularization parameter. The results obtained are as follows:
R2_score: 0.0815 Root Mean Squared Error: 21789.2903
R2_score: 0.0830 Root Mean Squared Error: 21711.7800
WMAE for without feature scaled model is 14287.3711
The magnitude of the mean square error is 10^4 and our inputs are in the range of 0 to 1. After looking at the output predicted values of the Neural Net I decided to normalize my output feature as well using the MinMaxScaler function. Also, I did feature selection and again tweaked my model. The results obtained are as follows:
R2_score: 0.1048 Root Mean Squared Error: 0.0310
R2_score: 0.1051 Root Mean Squared Error: 0.0309
WMAE for feature scaled model is 0.0198
B) Artificial Neural Network using Keras
Code file name is “Keras-ANN.ipynb” Using Keras I created a Sequential model of “2-Hidden Layer”.
I have tried various types of initializers, activation functions for output layer, batch sizes, learning rate. Here I used Kfold cross validation of 5 for splitting the data. The best result I obtained are as follows:
R2_score: 0.1597 Root Mean Square Error: 0.0282
WMAE for feature scaled model is 0.0198
C) Scikit-learn models
Code file name is “Scikit_model.ipynb”
In this I have tried the following regression models:
Linear Regression, Ridge, Lasso, ElasticNet
KNeighbors Regressor
GradientBoostingRegressor, XGB, Random Forest Regressor
Again, Kfold cross validation of 5 for splitting the data. During training one can choose any of the above models for training. The best result I observed was on Random Forest Regressor.
R2_score: 0.9792 Root Mean Square Error: 0.0725
The WMAE is calculated on the Training Dataset as the Testing Dataset does not have ground truth labels
WMAE: 0.0012
This is the least WMAE I have observed out of all the trained models. Also, the R2_score is the highest amongst all.
While training I pickled the model which is then used for doing prediction on Testing Data.
I have created the “Submission.csv” file as per the competition instruction. This file is my final submission file.