This project uses javascript to parse through data stored in a json file and display it on an easy to use web page which allows viewers to explore the dataset.
The data displayed are from a scientific study of bacteria and arachaea from belly buttons! Belly Buttons! 🙀
You can view the hosted page here: Belly Button Biodiversity
And here's a screenshot
CSS (inclusing bootstrap)
index.html - main page displays graphs based on user selected id from a drop down menu
static / js
app.js - Has the code which gathers user selection, sorts the JSON file, and generates an html list, a bar graph and a bubble chart
bonus.js - Uses a variable from app.js to generate the guage
- samples.json - data source for the dynamic webpage
Data Source: NS STATE The Public Science Lab - Belly Button Biodiversity
Publications based on this data:
Hulcr J, Latimer AM, Henley JB, Rountree NR, Fierer N, et al. (2012) A Jungle in There: Bacteria in Belly Buttons are Highly Diverse, but Predictable. PLoS ONE 7(11): e47712.
😸 NikitaCase