Releases: NikkelM/Random-YouTube-Video
Releases · NikkelM/Random-YouTube-Video
What's Changed
- Added accessibility options: Under "Advanced Settings", choose to not show shuffle buttons on video or channel pages.
- Added some smoothed animations to the popup when expanding and collapsing the advanced settings.
What's Changed
- Changed the default settings to not open shuffled videos in a new tab.
- Moved the informative text about remaining YouTube API quota to the advanced settings menu.
- Updated the welcome page for a better experience.
What's Changed
- News page will no longer open after updating from v3.1.5 or an earlier version.
What's Changed
- The button's tooltip may now show additional information on the shuffle status.
- The extension will now show that a shuffle is still running when navigating within a channel.
- Fixed a bug where an active shuffle would continue in the background when navigating to a different channel.
- Fixed a bug where clicking the shuffle button while the shuffle was running would start a second shuffle at the same time.
- Fixed a bug where the shuffle button would sometimes not be added to the page if it was opened directly from a new tab.
- Fixed a bug where the playlist created by the extension would sometimes not be renamed correctly.
- Fixed an animation bug when ignoring shorts and shuffling a channel with many videos from a shorts page.
- Fixed the shuffle button not being added to the channel page if the browser is using a new YouTube UI.
What's Changed
- The extensions's news page can now be updated with breaking changes or other important information without the need to update the extension itself.
- Fixed some dynamic content on the News page.
- Added a hint in the popup if no channel has yet been visited.
- Removed some unneeded scripts from the extension's pages.
What's Changed
- Reverted UI changes made while the playlist generation feature was broken.
- Removed hints from the breaking news page.
What's Changed
- Added a news page that can be populated on extension updates.
- Added news that playlist generation is currently broken.
- Changed the default option for generating playlists to be disabled while the feature does not work.
What's Changed
- Fixed an animation in the popup.
- Fixed the progress percentage displayed on the button when ignoring or only shuffling from shorts.