This is a solution to the Testimonials grid section challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.
Users should be able to:
- View the optimal layout for the site depending on their device's screen size.
- Solution URL: See my solution 👀
- Live Site URL: Visit the site 👀
I decided to put everything inside a section tag to create a react component in the future.
The first thing was to create a card, finished with it, copy and paste the same code five times.
Only the first card has an addition that is a background image of some quotes, it is inside a picture tag.
I decided to put everything inside a section tag to create a react component in the future.
To finish, use grid to create a grid and establish the most similar layout to the images of the design.
Also create a version for tablets.
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- CSS custom properties
- Flexbox
- CSS Grid
- Mobile-first workflow
This was an opportunity to learn how to use grid and flexbox in the same file, there are still properties that I don't use but to be my first experiment I think it's fine.
NOTE: there is something in the paddings or margins that doesn't make me happy, I think it's the font size, the alignment or something, but the words don't jump lines when I would like
As I already said, the cards are the same code repeated 5 times, I think it could be optimized with a React component, but since I don't know React, I don't have an opinion.
Resource 1 - Shadows - On this page there are many types of shadows to use.
Resourse 2 - General information - Here is the information of the CSS and HTML properties that helped me to solve some conflicts that arose.
Resource 3 - Emojis for commits - Emojis for the commits 💄.
- Website - Jose Luis Vallejos
- Frontend Mentor - @NikolaiKoz
- Instagram - @joselvallejos89
I thank myself, I want to be a programmer and although on many occasions I was tempted to look for a solution on YouTube, I am proud to have been able to solve this challenge alone, being self-taught is not easy, there is no marked path, I have been little less than a year trying to know what I should know, in short, the hypotenuse, but I like it, the frustration of hours disappears and is replaced by the maximum joy that a human being can experience when, through his own thought and reason, he manages to center a text in a div, at that time, we are able to touch a fragment of God.