Selected course assignments and projects completed during my studies at the Computer Science Department @ University of Crete. Includes machine learning, data science, signal processing, and optimization tasks and applications in Python, as well as general and lower level programming/software in C and Java.
CS485: Applied Data Science (applied-data-science)
Assignments in python: Applications of machine learning methods and algorithms on different datasets, utilizing popular libraries.
CS573: Optimization Methods (optimization-methods)
Assignments in python: Derivations and implementations (in pure numpy and scipy) of optimization and machine learning algorithms.
CS473: Pattern Recognition (pattern-recognition)
Assignments in python: Implementations (in pure numpy) and applications of several machine learning algorithms.
CS340: Compilers (compilers)
Project in C (incl. lex, yacc): Compiler and runtime VM for Alpha, a proprietary programming language.
CS370: Digital Signal Processing (signal-processing)
Assignments in python: Applications of digital signal processing techniques using relevant libraries.
MEM264: Applied Statistics (applied-statistics)
Project in python: Predicting movie revenue using multiple linear regression.
CS487: Introduction to AI (artificial-intelligence)
Project in python: Implementations of AI agents that play Pac-Man.
CS255: Software Programming Laboratory (software-lab)
Assignments in C: Programs showcasing advanced concepts in C.
CS345: Operating Systems (operating-systems)
Assignments in C: Programs incorporating system and kernel functions.
CS252: Object-Oriented Programming (oop-java)
Project in Java: Implementation of Payday, a digital board game.