⚡️ A list of pokémons with a fuzzy search feature is displayed on the home page.
⚡️ User can view more details by clicking on the particular pokémon.
⚡️ It is fully responsive & user friendly website.
⚡️ The design features some animations and hover effects.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Make sure you have installed all of the following prerequisites on your machine:
Git - Download & Install Git, OSX and Linux machines typically have this already installed.
Node.js - Download & Install Node.js with the npm package manager.
Recommended Versions of them are -
node v16.20.2 or higher npm v8.19.4 or higher git v2.30.1 or higher
Download or clone the code from this repository. If you download as a zip file, be sure to unzip it.
Navigate to the My-Portfolio folder, there should be a package.json file in this folder.
In a command window (or the Command prompt in VS Code), type below command.
npm install
This creates a node_modules folder and installs all packages from the package.json file into that folder. You may see a few warnings during this process, but you should not see any errors.
In the same command window (or the Command prompt in VS Code), type
npm run dev
The application should then run successfully and you should see a message like " VITE v4.x.x ready in xxx ms Local: http://localhost:5173/".
Open http://localhost:5173 to view it in the browser.
- Vite - a build tool for front-end
- React - User Interface (UI) library
- Typescript - Strongly typed programming language
- Material UI - React UI component library
- Axios - a simple promise based HTTP client for the browser
- React Query - Powerful asynchronous state management library
- fuse.js - Powerful, lightweight fuzzy-search library, with zero dependencies
- @Nilkanth-Patadiya - Idea & Implementation