The DHTMLX library supplies customizable UI components to help you build interfaces of different kinds, nicely present data, and work with it. There are powerful project management widgets such as Gantt chart and Scheduler, robust data-processing components like Grid, TreeGrid, Spreadsheet and Pivot, manifold data visualization libraries such as Diagrams and Charts, typical form-inhabitants, handy navigation elements for surfing an app, and other indispensable tools for web app development.
After a lot of searching on Google, unfortunately we could not find the Persian calendar plugin for DHTMLX. This became an excuse for our week-long effort to write this DHTMLX with a Persian calendar! In this program, we can enter a new project or new task with a solar date (Jalali) and view and check the diagram and length of the project as solar days. This project also has an RTL version that will be presented in later versions