Releases: NilsSve/DbUpdateFramework
Releases · NilsSve/DbUpdateFramework
2024 Autumn release
• Added new properties: pbUseDriverCacheFiles that controls the usage of .cch files to the cDbUpdateHandler class. The default is True, which creates .cch files. The new pbIgnoreDriverUcaseSupport property controls if U_xxx columns should be created or not for uppercase index support. This is by default = True, which means that such columns will not be created. Instead it is suggested to set the SqlDatabaseCollationChange property in the cDbUpdateHandler object to e.g. "Latin1_General_CS_AS"
• Added a new Tool/Program: DUFFilelistRepairer. It helps with finding and fixing problems with Filelist.cfg's. It can also enforce the usage of DFConnID's in all .int files
- Updated the help with the new properties and the new DUFFilelistRepairer program/tool.