Releases: Nimdy/Dedicated_Valheim_Server_Script
Version: 3.5 Lokis Dance
Updated menu system to fully support Crossplay
What's Changed
- Update EN.conf by @klekaelly in #298
- Correcting Typos and SteamCMD commands by @klekaelly in #299
- Revert "Correcting Typos and SteamCMD commands" by @Nimdy in #300
- If Crossplay is enable your Game Code will show up in the menu.
New Contributors
- @klekaelly made their first contribution in #298
Full Changelog: 3.2.1-Lofns-Mist...3.5-lokis-dance
Dedicated Valheim Server Manager for Ubuntu
The new menu system provides all types of awesome features and was designed to help all levels of Linux experienced users.
Version: 3.2.1-Lofns-Mist
(DEC 12, 2022)
Typo Fix Line: 1774 qoute in the wrong place
Version: 3.2.0-Lofns-Mist
Updated get_worldseed to correctly display world seed. Thanks Terule
Validated upgrading to Mist works correctly.
Validated fresh install on Ubuntu Server works correctly.
Happy Gaming!
Version: 3.1.1-Lofns-Kiss
Removed CrossPlay auto install because it is very confusing for a lot of people to get working.
If you want to have CrossPlay on your server, then you can add it manually to your start_valheim_(your world name).sh file
Like this:
./valheim_server.x86_64 -name "Zero's Testing Server" -port "2456" -nographics -batchmode -world "worlaksda" -password "HappyScript" -public "1" -savedir "/home/steam/.config/unity3d/IronGate/Valheim/worlaksda" -logfile "/home/steam/.config/unity3d/IronGate/Valheim/worlaksda/valheim_server.log" -crossplay "1"
Restart the Valheim Service and look in the log file for your Game ID invite code. This will be required to access your server. Accessing your server by IP:PORT will no longer work.
If you have any questions, jump into Discord.
Happy Gaming
Version: 3.1.0-Lofns-Kiss
Added CrossPlay Support
Version: 3.0.2-Lofn's Love
Updating pathing for displaying logs
Version: 3.0.1-Lofn's Love
Added Feature request
-logfile to save files within correct worldname structure
Version: 3.0.0-Lofn's Love
Added Multi-World Support
Added Firewall Options for Private Servers
Added a bunch of other cool stuff
Version: 2.3.3-Lofn
Added UFW Firewall status if required in Menu
Added Valheim Server Status in Menu
Updated script to curl correct BepInEx release from their website and assign it the proper download URL
Version: 2.3.2-Lofn
removed dubs and infinite loop from dup syntax
dup removed: write_public_on_config_and_restart
dup removed: write_public_off_config_and_restart
Version: 2.3.1-Lofn
Edited timestamp for Official Valheim check. Decreased time check from 1 day to 1 hour.
Menu system will hang for about 4 seconds while updating Valheim Official release information.
After it updates... It will not do it again for another hour. Menu system will be fast during non-check updating.
Version: 2.3-Lofn
Updated tons of gui items
Added BepInEx solo support
Update Valheim Plus install
Improved update check and display for official Valheim releases. This should work way freaking better now.
Tons of other random stuff.
Version: 2.2-Lofn
Added new syntax to fix servers not showing up in public listing
Version: 2.1.8-Lofn
Set your preferred language for the or (If English, skip this step) = *No option = English *DE = German *FR = French *SP = Spanish
./menu (no options required for english)
./menu DE
./menu FR
./menu SP
./ (no options required for english)
./ DE
./ FR
./ SP
Added new Log viewing eye candy in the Tech Support Menu
Cleaned up code
Version: 2.1.7-Lofn
French lang pack updated
German lang pack added
Spanish lang pack added
Version: 2.1.6-Lofn
Version: 2.1.5-Lofn
Fixed Password change typo and function---working now
Version: 2.1.5-Lofn
Updated FR lang pack
Update V+ backups during upgrades (places them in the backup dir now)
updated typos
Version: 2.1.-Lofn
Added multi-lang support. Just need help with translations
Added fix to Valheim+ updates.
Rewrote for multi-lang support
Tested on Ubuntu LTS (Focal Fossa)
How to install:
SSH into your Linux distro
Change into directory opt
cd /opt
- Clone from GITHUB
git clone
- Change into the directory the script is found.
cd /opt/Dedicated_Valheim_Server_Script
- Make sure to change permissions on the menu system, so it can execute.
chmod +x
- To launch the menu system:
- To launch the menu system:
The Menu system provides a quick and easy way for you to manage your Valheim Dedicated Server
Menu Script:
- --Menu updater
- If there is an update on our Github, you can update to the latest release.
Server Tools:
- --Do Manual Backup
- Conduct manual backups of your .db and .fwl files
- --Do Manual Restore | Make sure -world and whatever.db and whatever.fwl are the same
- Displays a list of all the times backups have been completed. Select the one you wish to restore.
- --Stop Valheim Server
- Stop the Valheim Server Service
- --Start Valheim Server
- Starts the Valheim Server Service
- --Restart Valheim Server
- restarts the Valheim Server Service
- --Display Valheim Server Status
- Displays the current status of the Valheim Server
- --Check for Official Valheim updates and apply them
- Will compare your Valheim install with the Official Valheim install and if newer, installs!
- --Change Public Display Name
- Modify Valheim public display name by editing configuration file
- --Change Default Server Port
- Modify default server port by editing configuration file
- --Change Local World Name
- Modify local world name by editing configuration file
- --Change Server Access Password
- Modify server access password by editing configuration file
Server Install:
- --Install or Reinstall - Valheim Server
- Complete installation of the Valheim Server (NO MODS)
Tech Support Tools
- --Display configuration
- Displays your configuration file for Valheim to start
- --Display Valheim Server Status
- Displays your current Valheim Server Status
- --Display Valheim World Data Folder
- Displays the files listed within the World Data Folder
- -- Display System Info
- Displays all System Info: Build Information, CPU, RAM and additional information
- -- Display Network Info
- Displays Network details in relationship to Valheim only connected ports
Install Mods
(Frame work started not implemented at this time)
(Waiting for game to become more stable)
(Waiting for mod community to become more mature in processes)
Future plans:
- Add Cron Job menu (list current crons, add/remove)
- Add mod support (which mod source... unknown)
- Add Web GUI
What's Changed
- public listing fix by @Nimdy in #204
- Beta by @Nimdy in #205
- Fix language select by @leifahlgrimm in #206
- Beta by @Nimdy in #207
- Update by @Nimdy in #209
- localization config typo fixes by @dreamalligator in #216
- Update by @Nimdy in #219
- Beta by @Nimdy in #224
- Update by @Nimdy in #225
- Beta by @Nimdy in #232
- Beta by @Nimdy in #233
- Beta by @Nimdy in #235
- Update by @Nimdy in #236
- removed dub write_public_on_config... and off by @Nimdy in #239
- Update by @Nimdy in #240
- dup by @Nimdy in #241
- Beta by @Nimdy in #242
- added server at a glance to the menu systems by @JamieeLee in #243
- Beta by @Nimdy in #244
- added ufw status and adanced menu server status + mods menu listings by @JamieeLee in #245
- Beta by @Nimdy in #246
- Beta by @Nimdy in #247
- Testing by @Nimdy in #249
- Adding Swedish Language file and small typo change by @Kilajan in #266
- Beta by @Nimdy in #271
- Update by @Nimdy in #272
- Beta by @Nimdy in #274
- Typo in njordmenu by @trevorbryant in #277
- Crossplaytesting by @Nimdy in #291
- Crossplaytesting by @Nimdy in #292
New Contributors
Dedicated Valheim Server Manager
The new menu system provides all types of awesome features and was designed to help all levels of Linux experienced users.
Version: 2.1.8-Lofn
Set your preferred language for the or (If English, skip this step) = *No option = English *DE = German *FR = French *SP = Spanish
./menu (no options required for english)
./menu DE
./menu FR
./menu SP
./ (no options required for english)
./ DE
./ FR
./ SP
Added new Log viewing eye candy in the Tech Support Menu
Cleaned up code
Version: 2.1.7-Lofn
French lang pack updated
German lang pack added
Spanish lang pack added
Version: 2.1.6-Lofn
Version: 2.1.5-Lofn
Fixed Password change typo and function---working now
Version: 2.1.5-Lofn
Updated FR lang pack
Update V+ backups during upgrades (places them in the backup dir now)
updated typos
Version: 2.1.-Lofn
Added multi-lang support. Just need help with translations
Added fix to Valheim+ updates.
Rewrote for multi-lang support
Tested on Ubuntu LTS (Focal Fossa)
How to install:
SSH into your Linux distro
Change into directory opt
cd /opt
- Clone from GITHUB
git clone
- Change into the directory the script is found.
cd /opt/Dedicated_Valheim_Server_Script
- Make sure to change permissions on the menu system, so it can execute.
chmod +x
- To launch the menu system:
- To launch the menu system:
The Menu system provides a quick and easy way for you to manage your Valheim Dedicated Server
Menu Script:
- --Menu updater
- If there is an update on our Github, you can update to the latest release.
Server Tools:
- --Do Manual Backup
- Conduct manual backups of your .db and .fwl files
- --Do Manual Restore | Make sure -world and whatever.db and whatever.fwl are the same
- Displays a list of all the times backups have been completed. Select the one you wish to restore.
- --Stop Valheim Server
- Stop the Valheim Server Service
- --Start Valheim Server
- Starts the Valheim Server Service
- --Restart Valheim Server
- restarts the Valheim Server Service
- --Display Valheim Server Status
- Displays the current status of the Valheim Server
- --Check for Official Valheim updates and apply them
- Will compare your Valheim install with the Official Valheim install and if newer, installs!
- --Change Public Display Name
- Modify Valheim public display name by editing configuration file
- --Change Default Server Port
- Modify default server port by editing configuration file
- --Change Local World Name
- Modify local world name by editing configuration file
- --Change Server Access Password
- Modify server access password by editing configuration file
Server Install:
- --Install or Reinstall - Valheim Server
- Complete installation of the Valheim Server (NO MODS)
Tech Support Tools
- --Display configuration
- Displays your configuration file for Valheim to start
- --Display Valheim Server Status
- Displays your current Valheim Server Status
- --Display Valheim World Data Folder
- Displays the files listed within the World Data Folder
- -- Display System Info
- Displays all System Info: Build Information, CPU, RAM and additional information
- -- Display Network Info
- Displays Network details in relationship to Valheim only connected ports
Install Mods
(Frame work started not implemented at this time)
(Waiting for game to become more stable)
(Waiting for mod community to become more mature in processes)
Future plans:
- Add Cron Job menu (list current crons, add/remove)
- Add mod support (which mod source... unknown)
- Add Web GUI