1- open .env file and add this key "OPENAI_API_KEY='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'"
2- cd Rasa directory folder
3- Open 2 Anaconda Prompts
4- Run “rasa run --cors "*" --enable-api” command in the first terminal
5- Run “rasa run actions” command in the second terminal
1- cd frontend directory folder
2- run "npm i" command in the terminal
3- run "npm start" command in the terminal
ssh -i your/path/to/kisuscheck-rasa-key.txt ubuntu@
source ~/.venv/bin/activate
cd Rasa
Then use rasa
command normaly.