NewsApp is an Android application that provides users with the latest news articles from various sources. The app fetches news data from a remote API and displays it in a user-friendly interface.
- Fetches the latest news articles from a remote API
- Displays news articles in a list
- Users can view detailed news articles
- Search functionality to find specific news articles
- Responsive and user-friendly UI
Clone the repository:
git clone
Open the project in Android Studio:
- Open Android Studio
- Select Open an existing Android Studio project
- Navigate to the cloned repository directory and select it
Get an API Key:
- This app uses the NewsAPI to fetch news articles. You will need an API key from
- Sign up on NewsAPI and get your API key.
Add the API Key to the project:
- Open
and add theapi_key
- Open
Run the app:
- Connect your Android device or start an emulator
- Click on the
button in Android Studio
- Home Screen:
- Displays the latest news articles in a list.
- Click on any article to view its details.
- Article Detail:
- Displays the full content of the selected news article and click the
Icon to save in theFavourite Section
- Search:
- Use the search bar to find news articles based on keywords.
- Favourite Section:
- You may view your favourite News and you may swipe
to remove from favourite list.
The app follows the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architecture pattern to ensure a clean separation of concerns and to make the code more maintainable.
- Model:
- Represents the data layer of the application. It includes data classes and repository classes that handle data operations.
- View:
- Represents the UI layer of the application. It includes Activities and Fragments that display data to the user.
- ViewModel:
- Acts as a bridge between the Model and the View. It holds the data and business logic, exposing it to the View.
- Retrofit: For network calls to fetch news data from the API
- Glide: For image loading and caching
- LiveData: For observable data holders
- ViewModel: For managing UI-related data in a lifecycle-conscious way
- RecyclerView: For displaying a list of news articles
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.