A Minecraft Launcher For Minecraft Lovers :)
You Can Download Bee Launcher From Github Releases Or From Offcial Site :D
You Don't Need To Update It Manually, There Are Auto Updates! (you can disable this in settings)
- Private Alphas Are Available For Some Users, Join Our Discord Server To Get A Look At It (low chance of getting it)
Check Wiki For Contribution And Running It Locally Guides.
The best way to contact the developers is on Discord.
- Helios Launcher For Inspiring Us To Make This Launcher. Our First Version was based on their code, just some minor changes.
- And to all other contributors! π
- This program doesn't have a trusted code sign certificate, so Window Defender/Antivirus might delete the file or just show a warning. Turn off Window Defender/Antivirus if the program isn't working or you can add Bee Launcher to Window Defender Exclusions.
If we get large userbase then we will sign the program with trusted Microsoft's code signing partner Or the warning will simply disappear if we get large number of downloads according to Microsoft Windows Defender/Antivirus's documentation
- This Repository Doesn't Contains The Full Source Code, the files are of v1.0.0 and it's very bad. Clone/fork if you still want to work with those source codes.