GPT-3 powered Web Application for generating corrective action. WebApp uses a finetuned model and is built on top of flask.
- Update the key information from GPT3 in file at
openai.api_key= <GPT-3-KEY-HERE>
- Move to the location of file and run
to trigger run for the flask app
- Clone the repo and update you GPT-3 key in
file atopenai.api_key= <GPT-3-KEY-HERE>
- Move to the location where `' file exists in the cloned folder
- Build docker using command:
docker build -f Dockerfile -t app_nga_2:latest .
- Run
docker run -p 8100:8100 -ti app_nga_2 /bin/bash -c "cd src && source activate nga_scratch && python"
- If using linux, use link to directly navigate to the app, else use Docker App to launch the web-interface
- Create a config file that contains GPT-3 key information
- Modify code in to load config
- Exporting of key is required before web-app is run:
export OPENAI_CONFIG=/path/to/config/openai.cfg
- Run python file for starting the webapp
- Clone the repo and place file named
in nga folder. It should contain one line of config information in format:OPENAI_KEY= '<KEY>'
- Move to the nga folder where Dockerfile is present for this project (nga folder)
- Build docker using command:
docker build -f Dockerfile -t app_nga_3:latest .
- Run
docker run -p 8100:8100 -ti app_nga_3
- If using linux, use link to directly navigate to the app, else use Docker App to launch the web-interface