Virtual-Drums is basically a virtual drum set that can be played anywhere with help of just 1 green colored stick.
This project uses OpenCV to create a virtual drum set which plays corresponding drum beats with the help of color detection.
Python 3.7
- You should install python version 3.7
- import all modules required for the project
- cv2
- numpy
- pygame
Cloning this repository:
git clone
Install the required packages in your environment by using pip.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Open the project folder after installing requirements and run:
You are free to use this code for any purpose. If you have built anything interesting, contribute it back to this project. You could add more drums or improve the overall performance.
Feel free to file a new issue with a respective title and description on the Virtual-Drums. If you already found a solution to your problem, I would love to review your pull request!