About Walmart
Walmart is an American multinational retail corporation that operates a chain of supercenters, discount departmental stores, and grocery stores from the United States. Walmart has more than 100 million customers worldwide.
Business Problem
The Management team at Walmart Inc. wants to analyze the customer purchase behavior (specifically, purchase amount) against the customer’s gender and the various other factors to help the business make better decisions. They want to understand if the spending habits differ between male and female customers: Do women spend more on Black Friday than men? (Assume 50 million customers are male and 50 million are female).
The company collected the transactional data of customers who purchased products from the Walmart Stores during Black Friday. The dataset has the following features: Dataset link: Walmart_data.csv
User_ID: User ID Product_ID: Product ID Gender: Sex of User Age: Age in bins Occupation: Occupation(Masked) City_Category: Category of the City (A,B,C) StayInCurrentCityYears: Number of years stay in current city Marital_Status: Marital Status ProductCategory: Product Category (Masked) Purchase: Purchase Amount