##HR-Analytics-Dashboard-(Power BI & Tableau)
##Project Overview This project provides insights into employee attrition, job satisfaction, and department-wise trends using Power BI and Tableau. It helps HR teams make data-driven decisions to improve employee retention and workforce planning.
##Tools Used Power BI – Data visualization, reporting Tableau – Interactive dashboards & storytelling Excel – Data preprocessing
##Key Insights 16.12% attrition rate observed across departments. R&D Department has the highest attrition rate (56.12%). Job satisfaction and education level significantly impact attrition. Employees aged 25-34 have the highest turnover rate.
##Files Included Power BI & Tableau Dashboards Download POWERBI PROJECT.PPTX Download Tableau Project.pptx
##Dataset Download hrdata.csv
##Screenshots POWERBI_PROJECT.jpg Tableau_Project.jpg (https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/niveditha.d/viz/TABLEAUPROJECT_17401349251980/HRANALYTICSDASHBOARD?publish=yes)
LinkedIn: Niveditha D
GitHub : Niveditha-2003