This sets out basic web files as a template for a new web project.
Note that to use chrome dev tools and ES6 export and import you must declare the index.js (top .js file) using a type of "module" and not the usual "text/javascript".
just before <\body> in html: <script type="module" src="./index.js"></script>
It is not necessary to declare the imported .js files (e.g. kexport.js, lexport.js).
Finally you must use the express web server to display the data in the browser and not file:///path/index.html as the browser will block the use of modules if we do not use a web server.
Clone the repository
delete .git with:
rm -rf .git
ln -s source_dir target_dir
to attach the development directory to the web server public directory -
Start the web server in the express-server directory with
node server.js
Launch the html via localhost with: