This Docker-Image includes "fpm" [1] (Not to be confuse with php-fpm [2]!). fpm is used to build Linux Packages like .deb (Debian/Ubuntu/...) or .rpm (Redhat/CentOS/...). This container comes with a basic fpm install, build-essential and git.
It allows building directly from a git repository, using "make" by default.
Here is a basic example from the fpm-documentation, that will build a deb-package containing jenkins.
fpm -s dir -t deb -n $(NAME) -v $(VERSION) --prefix /opt/jenkins jenkins.war
docker run -v $(pwd)/build:/build nold360/fpm-base
Now fpm will build our package using "make package" command inside of the build-directory. The output will show something like this if it succeedes:
fpm -s dir -t deb -n jenkins -v 2.80 --prefix /opt/jenkins jenkins.war
{:timestamp=>"2017-11-03T10:01:34.509101+0000", :message=>"Created package", :path=>"jenkins_2.80_amd64.deb"}