There are many social media platforms for every human concern. For example, there is Instagram for social life and LinkedIn for your professional career. However, the web still lacks a place for people/organisations to share ideas and promote action for our planet, Earth.
WeChange is a web application that promotes action against issues like climate change and global warming by creating a space where users can interact and share ideas and host events concerning mother nature.
We came up with the idea of making WeChange after a lot of brainstorming ideas to create a social impact around the theme Environment. We started by penning every idea that each of the team members had during the brainstorming phase, we metamorphosed the idea into a rough web application design, decided on our tech stack according to the requirement of the project and divided the workload into the split of two-member each. (BackEnd & FrontEnd)
We made this project in 2 days and won Simplihacks 2.0🥇
Possible Future Ideas to be implemented