noncerpro-opencl 3.0.1
- ~10% hashrate improvement
- rx580 8gb -->242 kh/s with core state:p3, core clock:1090, mem clock 2200, amdmemtweak: --ref=30
- increase mem clock to highest stable and then test the clock range 1050-1125 for best hashrate.
- make sure to add --optimizer each time you change an oc setting.
- Power consumption improvement(Ellesmere cards on Linux)
- This version works better on lower clocks and because of that you can drop the core voltage(830 - 850 mv) and reduce power consumption while maintaining the hashrate.
- Added support for dumb mode (--mode=dumb)
- Added multipool/failover support
- Dropped the extra 20 seconds on dev fee time (exactly 120 seconds or 2%)
- Added startDifficulty option (--diff=32)
- Randomized the first dev fee switch
- Disabled API by default. Add --api=ture if you need it
HiveOS package is noncerpro-opencl-version.tar.gz
Check ReadMe file for usage instructions.