Prometheus exporter for Fritzbox Cable downstream channel error counters
Mine ends up in a 100% package loss state sometimes, but without detecting a problem by itself, or reconnecting on it's own. Error counters seem high when I take a look in the UI, but I'd like a history to see if it's really related, or just coincidence, because I don't look at the counters in the UI if everything is fine.
There are loads more FritzBox Exporters on GitHub.
I needed one that exports Docsis channel statistics, which none of the TR-064 exporters can expose, because AVM didn't put them in TR-064 in the first place for whatever reason.
And then I didn't look too hard for an exporter using the UI endpoints because I wanted to play around with Go again a bit.
❯ go run ./cmd/main.go --help
Usage of /var/folders/6x/sbngy4696fdbxpg2v3q78jk00000gp/T/go-build1776044078/b001/exe/main:
-host string
hostname of IP address of target device (default "")
-listen string
net/http listen string (default ":8080")
-password string
password for device login
-passwordFile string
path to file containing the password
-username string
username for login (if any)
Wire up to your existing Prometheus installation you no doubt have
endpoint accepts Alertmanger formatted messages and trigger a resync of the cable
modem if any of the alerts in the list is in state firing
This makes use of a blackbox_exporter installation to determine if Internet connection is working
Example rule:
- name: fritzbox
- alert: FritzBorked
expr: sum(probe_success{job="probe-icmp",instance!=""}) == 0 AND (sum(docsis_ready_state{state="ready"}) == 1)
for: 30s
severity: critical
summary: FritzBox thinks it's connected, but it isn't
Matching Alertmanager config snippets:
- matchers:
- alertname="FrtizBorked"
receiver: 'fritzcable'
group_wait: 0s
group_interval: 0s
repeat_interval: 180s
- name: 'fritzcable'
- url: http://localhost:9004/webhook