Some random cogs for red discord bot made by a noob at python.
These cogs are for red-discordbot with version 2 and above.
Some of the cogs are poorly coded and buggy so handle these cogs with care.
If you have any issues with any of the cogs be sure to open an issue or make a pr.
[p]load downloader
[p]repo add NoobCogs
[p]cog install NoobCogs <cogs...>
[p]load <cogs...>
Cog Name | Version | Cog Description |
Afk | v1.6.16 | Notify users whenever you go AFK with pings logging. |
AutomaticReaction | v1.0.9 | Automatic emoji reactions. |
CookieClicker | v1.2.6 | Play a cookie clicker. |
CustomError | v1.2.5 | Customize your bots error message. |
DevLogs | v1.1.3 | Keep a log of all that evals and debugs. |
DonationLogger | v1.12.9 | Donation Logger system. |
GlobalBan | v1.3.3 | Globally ban a user from all the guilds the bot is in. |
GrinderLogger | v1.3.5 | GrinderLogger system. |
JoinDM | v1.1.2 | DM newly joined users from your guild with your set message. |
NoobTools | v1.2.3 | NoobInDahause's personal tools. |
PressF | v1.2.2 | F. |
RandomColourRole | v1.2.3 | Have a role that changes colour every 5 minutes. |
ServerDonations | v3.3.1 | Donate bot currencies or any other currencies to servers. |
SplitOrSteal | v3.1.1 | A fun split or steal game. |
Suggestions | v2.1.2 | Suggestion system. |
Timers | v2.3.2 | Start a timer countdown. |
This repository is licensed under MIT LICENSE.
Special thanks to the authors of some of the codes that I got from, all credits goes to them.