Rewritten RedAlert3 shaders for 3dsmax 2017-2023, so you can assign, preview and export materials when making mods just like those back in 3dsMax9
It appears the updated 2023 w3x exporter on w3dhub (first, thanks to those who updateded it) still has one annoying flaw: cannot use shaders from the game's MOD SDK. No preview and no parameter export can be such a hassle for modders. This repository aim to fix (or should i say bypass) this flaw.
How to use:
Download any of these FX files as you need (do NOT compile them! 3dsmax need to read the source HLSL code to show their parameter editors) put them in any folder, and choose the shader you need in 3dsmax compact material editor under "direct x materials" category.
Basically the same workflow as those in (outdated) 3dsmax 9
ATTENTION !!! Max 2017-2023 use DX11 for viewport driver by default, you need to change the driver to DX9 or LegacyD3D in " file - preferences - viewport " in order to use these shaders, as they are written in DX9's standard.
To export the model with their shader parameters:
you need to use the updated w3x exporter (which also need DX9 or Legacy driver to work properly)
it will record all your shader parameters into the w3x mesh files just like in max 9
(find "FXshader" in your W3X mesh file to check on them if you want.)
The max2e3x.dle file is fixed by WU, because the earlier version on w3dhub has a bug (it mistakes boolean and int values as float)