Releases: Norkart/Leaflet-MiniMap
Releases · Norkart/Leaflet-MiniMap
Bugfix to include changes in dist file
Removed deprecated warning from Leaflet > 1.0.3
v3.6.0 3.6.0
Miminize/Restore events
Added events that are fired when the map is minimized or restored.
v3.4.0 Tweak NPM deps
- Leaflet is no longer a hard dep in NPM. Technically not quite right, but makes it easier to work with.
- And a minor bugfix to the toggle button title.
v3.3.1 - Remember dist files (Again)
Forgot to generate the dist files again!
Fix bug in start minimized option
Bug #105 is now fixed.
Unrequire beta2
A stupid decision due to lack of sleep - there's no need to require beta2 since the plugin works fine with both that and th 0.7 series! So added it in the readme instead.
Require Leaflet 1.0 beta2
This is simply to show that we are compatible, no functionality has changed.
Bugfix release
Fixed a bug where the minimap did not pan the main map properly.