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An unofficial Pytorch implementation of ERNIE-Layout which is originally released through PaddleNLP.


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This is an unofficial Pytorch implementation of ERNIE-Layout originally released through PaddleNLP.

A Pytorch-style ERNIE-Layout Pretrained Model can be downloaded here. 👈🏻

The model weight is converted from PaddlePaddle/ernie-layoutx-base-uncased to PyTorch style with the tools/ script. Feel free to edit it if necessary.


  • Nov 14, 2023 - Suppose FlashAttention. You can simply set config.use_flash_attn=True to enable the function.

  • Aug 28, 2023 - Support Mixed-based RoPE to further expand the max input sequence length

  • Aug 7, 2023 - Support longer max input sequence length with RoPE and Alibi

  • July 11, 2023 - Rewrite the processor for end-to-end preprocessing on bbox, question and label

  • Feb 16, 2023 - Make the tokenizer more huggingface-like with XLNetTokenizer following the advice from maxjeblick. If you pull the latest codes and then find an error when loading the pretrained models, please replace "model_type": "xlnet" in corresponding config.json. Also, you need to remove max_position_embeddings in config.json. Or you can simply pull the latest configuration file from huggingface

A Quick Example

import torch
from PIL import Image
import torch.nn.functional as F
from networks import ErnieLayoutConfig, ErnieLayoutForQuestionAnswering, \
    ErnieLayoutProcessor, ErnieLayoutTokenizerFast
from transformers.models.layoutlmv3 import LayoutLMv3ImageProcessor

pretrain_torch_model_or_path = "Norm/ERNIE-Layout-Pytorch"
doc_imag_path = "./dummy_input.jpeg"

context = ['This is an example sequence', 'All ocr boxes are inserted into this list']
layout = [[381, 91, 505, 115], [738, 96, 804, 122]]  # make sure  all boxes are normalized between 0 - 1000
pil_image ="RGB")

# initialize tokenizer
tokenizer = ErnieLayoutTokenizerFast.from_pretrained(pretrained_model_name_or_path=pretrain_torch_model_or_path)

# initialize feature extractor
feature_extractor = LayoutLMv3ImageProcessor(apply_ocr=False)
processor = ErnieLayoutProcessor(image_processor=feature_extractor, tokenizer=tokenizer)

# Tokenize context & questions
question = "what is it?"
encoding = processor(pil_image, question, context, boxes=layout, return_tensors="pt")

# dummy answer start && end index
start_positions = torch.tensor([6])
end_positions = torch.tensor([12])

# initialize config
config = ErnieLayoutConfig.from_pretrained(pretrained_model_name_or_path=pretrain_torch_model_or_path)
config.num_classes = 2  # start and end

# initialize ERNIE for VQA
model = ErnieLayoutForQuestionAnswering.from_pretrained(

output = model(**encoding, start_positions=start_positions, end_positions=end_positions)

# decode output
start_max = torch.argmax(F.softmax(output.start_logits, dim=-1))
end_max = torch.argmax(F.softmax(output.end_logits, dim=-1)) + 1  # add one ##because of python list indexing
answer = tokenizer.decode(encoding.input_ids[0][start_max: end_max])

more examples can be found in examples folder

Compare with Paddle Version

examples/ is a script to evaluate the MSE between paddle version output and the torch version output with the same dummpy input.

eps of pooled output: 0.00417756475508213; eps of sequence output: 3.1264463674213205e-12

Extend the max sequence length over 512

The publicly available ernie-layoutx-base-uncased model is pretrained with a max sequence length of $512$. However, in most practical use cases, there is a need for longer sequence inputs capable of accommodating more tokens. Several effective extrapolation/interpolation methods have been proposed to extend the context length for decoder-only architectures without the need for costly pretraining. These algorithms have demonstrated their effectiveness for encoder-only architectures as well, including ERNIE-Layout.

exErnieLayoutForTokenClassification is implemented with RoPE, ALiBi and DynamicNTKScaleRope. You can find an example of these implementations in examples/ and test it by seting model_type = exErnieLayoutForTokenClassification


Empirically, you can extend the sequence length not more than 4 times without significant performance degradation on downstream tasks, which means we can have a model with max_seq_length = 2048 for free!!


Train ErnieLayoutForTokenClassification with $512$ input length, infer with $1024$ input length

seq_len f1 note
baseline 512 0.94784 vanilla RoPE
NTKRoPE 1024 0.9209 scale=1.0
NTKRoPE-$\log n$ 1024 0.92860 scale=1.0
NTKRoPE 1024 0.9264 scale=2.0
NTKRoPE-logn 1024 0.92782 scale=2.0
NTKRoPE-fixed 1024 0.87245 scale=1.0
NTKRoPE-fixed-$\log n$ 1024 0.8666 scale=1.0
mixed-based 1024 0.938037 b=0.75
mixed-based-$\log n$ 1024 0.9379 b=0.75
mixed-based 1024 0.94085 b=0.6

NTKRoPE with a mixed-base can optimize performance for longer sequence lengths in sequence labeling tasks



Mixed-based NTKRoPE:


An unofficial Pytorch implementation of ERNIE-Layout which is originally released through PaddleNLP.








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