Cron compatible shell script to backup and announce players on a detached screen based Minecraft Server
- Announce players in game from the backup
- prevent file changes over the tar process
- generating tar.gz files to backup folder based on current date/time
- Installed screen
- Minecraft Server
- Cron (optional)
- Screen based run on the Minecraft server
if you want to use color-coded text and broadcast you need to install the Essentials plugin
else you need to change the broadcast
to say
at line 14 and 29 in
Copy the and place where you want
You need to change the folloings in the file:
screen_name="MineCraft" #remote screen name
backup_date=$(date +%F_%H-%M) #backup-file date format / change if nessesery
path_to="/backup/minecraft/" #Directory to put your backups
backups="/srv/minecraft/North*" #space sepatered list for backup directorys and paterns
filename="minecraft_save_$backup_date.tar.gz" #backup file name / change if nessesery
make sure, you have the permission to execute the
You can run the following from terminal
Cd /yourPathToBackupScript
sudo chmod +X "yourPathTo/"