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feat: 0.20.8 part2 (#1444)
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jani270 authored Nov 19, 2024
1 parent 86ef3d5 commit f182294
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Showing 13 changed files with 318 additions and 32 deletions.
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions constants/bestiary.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3072,6 +3072,16 @@
"bracket": 6
"name": "§aField Mouse",
"skullOwner": "c9873ef5-6132-3bf8-94ec-92b14da39bc5",
"cap": 100,
"mobs": [
"bracket": 7
"name": "§aLocust",
"skullOwner": "004473e3-58f2-3c36-956c-ff2c39527222",
Expand Down
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions constants/petnums.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2274,6 +2274,30 @@
"1": {
"otherNums": [
"statNums": {
"SPEED": 0.15
"100": {
"otherNums": [
"statNums": {
"SPEED": 15
"HORSE": {
"1": {
Expand Down
54 changes: 54 additions & 0 deletions constants/reforgestones.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3214,6 +3214,60 @@
"internalName": "SQUEAKY_TOY",
"reforgeName": "Squeaky",
"reforgeType": "blacksmith/reforge_stone",
"itemTypes": "EQUIPMENT",
"requiredRarities": [
"reforgeCosts": {
"COMMON": 7500,
"UNCOMMON": 15000,
"RARE": 30000,
"EPIC": 75000,
"LEGENDARY": 150000,
"MYTHIC": 150000,
"DIVINE": 150000
"reforgeAbility": "§7Decreases the spawn cooldown of §7§2Pests §7by §a1%§7.",
"reforgeStats": {
"bonus_pest_chance": 0.5,
"farming_fortune": 2
"bonus_pest_chance": 0.5,
"farming_fortune": 4
"RARE": {
"bonus_pest_chance": 1,
"farming_fortune": 6
"EPIC": {
"bonus_pest_chance": 1.5,
"farming_fortune": 8
"bonus_pest_chance": 2,
"farming_fortune": 10
"bonus_pest_chance": 2.5,
"farming_fortune": 12
"bonus_pest_chance": 2.5,
"farming_fortune": 12
"internalName": "SUSPICIOUS_VIAL",
"reforgeName": "Suspicious",
Expand Down
13 changes: 6 additions & 7 deletions items/INFINI_VACUUM.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,27 +1,26 @@
"itemid": "minecraft:chest_minecart",
"displayname": "§5InfiniVacuum™",
"nbttag": "{HideFlags:254,display:{Lore:[0:\"§7Damage: §c+200\",1:\"§7Farming Fortune: §a+20\",2:\" §8[§7☘§8]\",3:\"\",4:\"§7§7Helps rid the world of §6Pests§7.\",5:\"\",6:\"§6Ability: Vacuum §e§lHOLD RIGHT CLICK\",7:\"§7Aim and hold in the direction of a\",8:\"§7nearby §6Pest §7within §e12.5 §7blocks to\",9:\"§7suck it in, dealing §c200 §7damage per\",10:\"§7second.\",11:\"\",12:\"§6Ability: Pest Tracker §e§lLEFT CLICK\",13:\"§7Leads you in the direction of the\",14:\"§7nearest §6Pest§7.\",15:\"§8Cooldown: §a1s\",16:\"\",17:\"§7Vacuum Bag: §6§k0 §6 Pest\",18:\"\",19:\"§7§8This item can be reforged!\",20:\"§5§lEPIC VACUUM\"],Name:\"§5InfiniVacuum™\"},ExtraAttributes:{id:\"INFINI_VACUUM\"}}",
"nbttag": "{HideFlags:254,display:{Lore:[0:\"§7Damage: §c+200\",1:\"§7Farming Fortune: §a+20\",2:\" §8[§7☘§8]\",3:\"\",4:\"§7§7Helps rid the world of §2Pests§7.\",5:\"\",6:\"§6Ability: Vacuum §e§lHOLD RIGHT CLICK\",7:\"§7Aim and hold in the direction of a\",8:\"§7nearby §2Pest §7within §e15 §7blocks to suck\",9:\"§7it in, dealing §c300 §7damage per second.\",10:\"\",11:\"§6Ability: Pest Tracker §e§lLEFT CLICK\",12:\"§7Leads you in the direction of the\",13:\"§7nearest §2Pest§7.\",14:\"§8Cooldown: §a1s\",15:\"\",16:\"§7Vacuum Bag: §2§k351§2 Pests\",17:\"\",18:\"§7§8This item can be reforged!\",19:\"§5§lEPIC VACUUM\"],Name:\"§5InfiniVacuum™\"},ExtraAttributes:{id:\"INFINI_VACUUM\"}}",
"damage": 0,
"lore": [
"§7Damage: §c+200",
"§7Farming Fortune: §a+20",
" §8[§7☘§8]",
"§7§7Helps rid the world of §6Pests§7.",
"§7§7Helps rid the world of §2Pests§7.",
"§6Ability: Vacuum §e§lHOLD RIGHT CLICK",
"§7Aim and hold in the direction of a",
"§7nearby §6Pest §7within §e12.5 §7blocks to",
"§7suck it in, dealing §c200 §7damage per",
"§7nearby §2Pest §7within §e15 §7blocks to suck",
"§7it in, dealing §c300 §7damage per second.",
"§6Ability: Pest Tracker §e§lLEFT CLICK",
"§7Leads you in the direction of the",
"§7nearest §6Pest§7.",
"§7nearest §2Pest§7.",
"§8Cooldown: §a1s",
"§7Vacuum Bag: §6§k0 §6 Pest",
"§7Vacuum Bag: §2§k351§2 Pests",
"§7§8This item can be reforged!",
Expand Down
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions items/INFINI_VACUUM_HOOVERIUS.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
"itemid": "minecraft:tnt_minecart",
"displayname": "§6InfiniVacuum™ Hooverius",
"nbttag": "{HideFlags:254,display:{Lore:[0:\"§7Damage: §c+250\",1:\"§7Farming Fortune: §a+25\",2:\" §8[§7☘§8] §8[§8☘§8]\",3:\"\",4:\"§7§7Helps rid the world of §6Pests§7.\",5:\"\",6:\"§6Ability: Vacuum §e§lHOLD RIGHT CLICK\",7:\"§7Aim and hold in the direction of a\",8:\"§7nearby §6Pest §7within §e15 §7blocks to suck\",9:\"§7it in, dealing §c250 §7damage per second.\",10:\"\",11:\"§6Ability: Pest Tracker §e§lLEFT CLICK\",12:\"§7Leads you in the direction of the\",13:\"§7nearest §6Pest§7.\",14:\"§8Cooldown: §a1s\",15:\"\",16:\"§6Ability: Stereo Harmony §e§lSNEAK LEFT CLICK\",17:\"§7Plays vinyls at a frequency only\",18:\"§7§6Pests §7can hear. Certain Pests are\",19:\"§7more likely to appear when certain\",20:\"§7vinyls are playing.\",21:\"\",22:\"§7Now Playing: §aPretty Fly §8(Fly)\",23:\"\",24:\"§7Vacuum Bag: §6§k0 §6 Pest\",25:\"\",26:\"§7§8This item can be reforged!\",27:\"§6§lLEGENDARY VACUUM\"],Name:\"§6InfiniVacuum™ Hooverius\"},ExtraAttributes:{id:\"INFINI_VACUUM_HOOVERIUS\"}}",
"nbttag": "{HideFlags:254,display:{Lore:[0:\"§7Damage: §c+250\",1:\"§7Farming Fortune: §a+25\",2:\" §8[§7☘§8] §8[§8☘§8]\",3:\"\",4:\"§7§7Helps rid the world of §2Pests§7.\",5:\"\",6:\"§6Ability: Vacuum §e§lHOLD RIGHT CLICK\",7:\"§7Aim and hold in the direction of a\",8:\"§7nearby §2Pest §7within §e15 §7blocks to suck\",9:\"§7it in, dealing §c300 §7damage per second.\",10:\"\",11:\"§6Ability: Pest Tracker §e§lLEFT CLICK\",12:\"§7Leads you in the direction of the\",13:\"§7nearest §2Pest§7.\",14:\"§8Cooldown: §a1s\",15:\"\",16:\"§6Ability: Stereo Harmony §e§lSNEAK LEFT CLICK\",17:\"§7Plays vinyls at a frequency only\",18:\"§7§2Pests §7can hear. Certain Pests are\",19:\"§7more likely to appear when certain\",20:\"§7vinyls are playing.\",21:\"\",22:\"§7Now Playing: §aPretty Fly §8(Fly)\",23:\"\",24:\"§7Vacuum Bag: §2§k351§2 Pests\",25:\"\",26:\"§7§8This item can be reforged!\",27:\"§6§lLEGENDARY VACUUM\"],Name:\"§6InfiniVacuum™ Hooverius\"},ExtraAttributes:{id:\"INFINI_VACUUM_HOOVERIUS\"}}",
"damage": 0,
"lore": [
"§7Damage: §c+250",
"§7Farming Fortune: §a+25",
" §8[§7☘§8] §8[§8☘§8]",
"§7§7Helps rid the world of §6Pests§7.",
"§7§7Helps rid the world of §2Pests§7.",
"§6Ability: Vacuum §e§lHOLD RIGHT CLICK",
"§7Aim and hold in the direction of a",
"§7nearby §6Pest §7within §e15 §7blocks to suck",
"§7it in, dealing §c250 §7damage per second.",
"§7nearby §2Pest §7within §e15 §7blocks to suck",
"§7it in, dealing §c300 §7damage per second.",
"§6Ability: Pest Tracker §e§lLEFT CLICK",
"§7Leads you in the direction of the",
"§7nearest §6Pest§7.",
"§7nearest §2Pest§7.",
"§8Cooldown: §a1s",
"§6Ability: Stereo Harmony §e§lSNEAK LEFT CLICK",
"§7Plays vinyls at a frequency only",
"§7§6Pests §7can hear. Certain Pests are",
"§7§2Pests §7can hear. Certain Pests are",
"§7more likely to appear when certain",
"§7vinyls are playing.",
"§7Now Playing: §aPretty Fly §8(Fly)",
"§7Vacuum Bag: §6§k0 §6 Pest",
"§7Vacuum Bag: §2§k351§2 Pests",
"§7§8This item can be reforged!",
Expand Down
127 changes: 127 additions & 0 deletions items/PEST_FIELD_MOUSE_MONSTER.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
"itemid": "minecraft:skull",
"displayname": "§aField Mouse (Pest)",
"nbttag": "{HideFlags:254,SkullOwner:{Id:\"c9873ef5-6132-3bf8-94ec-92b14da39bc5\",Properties:{textures:[0:{Value:\"ewogICJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiIDogMTcyNzkwNDc5NzQ1OSwKICAicHJvZmlsZUlkIiA6ICI0MmIwOTMyZDUwMWI0MWQ1YTM4YjEwOTcxYTYwYmYxMyIsCiAgInByb2ZpbGVOYW1lIiA6ICJBaXJib2x0MDc4IiwKICAic2lnbmF0dXJlUmVxdWlyZWQiIDogdHJ1ZSwKICAidGV4dHVyZXMiIDogewogICAgIlNLSU4iIDogewogICAgICAidXJsIiA6ICJodHRwOi8vdGV4dHVyZXMubWluZWNyYWZ0Lm5ldC90ZXh0dXJlL2YzNzllMDkyNTI4MTczMTRiZDBiNjk0ZjdkNTNiNDhhZjJjN2ZhODQ5OTEwOTgwMmE0MWJiMjk0ZDJmOTNlM2UiLAogICAgICAibWV0YWRhdGEiIDogewogICAgICAgICJtb2RlbCIgOiAic2xpbSIKICAgICAgfQogICAgfQogIH0KfQ\u003d\u003d\"}]}},display:{Lore:[0:\"§7A shy little fellow!\",1:\"\",2:\"§c❤ Health§8: §c600\"],Name:\"§aField Mouse (Pest)\"},ExtraAttributes:{id:\"PEST_FIELD_MOUSE_MONSTER\"}}",
"damage": 3,
"lore": [
"§7A shy little fellow!",
"§c❤ Health§8: §c600"
"internalname": "PEST_FIELD_MOUSE_MONSTER",
"clickcommand": "viewrecipe",
"modver": "",
"infoType": "WIKI_URL",
"info": [
"crafttext": "",
"recipes": [
"level": 1,
"coins": 10000,
"xp": 50,
"panorama": "garden",
"render": "@neurepo:mobs/pest_field_mouse.json",
"name": "§aField Mouse",
"type": "drops",
"drops": [
"extra": [],
"chance": "100%"
"extra": [],
"chance": "100%"
"extra": [],
"chance": "100%"
"extra": [],
"chance": "100%"
"extra": [],
"chance": "100%"
"extra": [],
"chance": "100%"
"extra": [],
"chance": "100%"
"extra": [],
"chance": "100%"
"extra": [],
"chance": "100%"
"extra": [],
"chance": "100%"
"extra": [],
"chance": "100%"
"id": "COMPOST:1",
"extra": [],
"chance": "100%"
"id": "HONEY_JAR:1",
"extra": [],
"chance": "100%"
"id": "DUNG:1",
"extra": [],
"chance": "100%"
"id": "PLANT_MATTER:1",
"extra": [],
"chance": "100%"
"id": "CHEESE_FUEL:1",
"extra": [],
"chance": "100%"
"id": "SQUEAKY_TOY:1",
"extra": [],
"chance": "2.5%"
"extra": [],
"chance": "0.5%"
"id": "DYE_DUNG:1",
"extra": [],
"chance": "0.0004%"
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions items/SKYMART_HYPER_VACUUM.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
"itemid": "minecraft:furnace_minecart",
"displayname": "§9SkyMart Hyper Vacuum",
"nbttag": "{HideFlags:254,display:{Lore:[0:\"§7Damage: §c+150\",1:\"§7Farming Fortune: §a+15\",2:\"\",3:\"§7§7Helps rid the world of §6Pests§7.\",4:\"\",5:\"§6Ability: Vacuum §e§lHOLD RIGHT CLICK\",6:\"§7Aim and hold in the direction of a\",7:\"§7nearby §6Pest §7within §e10 §7blocks to suck\",8:\"§7it in, dealing §c150 §7damage per second.\",9:\"\",10:\"§6Ability: Pest Tracker §e§lLEFT CLICK\",11:\"§7Leads you in the direction of the\",12:\"§7nearest §6Pest§7.\",13:\"§8Cooldown: §a1s\",14:\"\",15:\"§7Vacuum Bag: §6§k0 §6 Pest\",16:\"\",17:\"§7§8This item can be reforged!\",18:\"§9§lRARE VACUUM\"],Name:\"§9SkyMart Hyper Vacuum\"},ExtraAttributes:{id:\"SKYMART_HYPER_VACUUM\"}}",
"nbttag": "{HideFlags:254,display:{Lore:[0:\"§7Damage: §c+150\",1:\"§7Farming Fortune: §a+15\",2:\"\",3:\"§7§7Helps rid the world of §2Pests§7.\",4:\"\",5:\"§6Ability: Vacuum §e§lHOLD RIGHT CLICK\",6:\"§7Aim and hold in the direction of a\",7:\"§7nearby §2Pest §7within §e15 §7blocks to suck\",8:\"§7it in, dealing §c300 §7damage per second.\",9:\"\",10:\"§6Ability: Pest Tracker §e§lLEFT CLICK\",11:\"§7Leads you in the direction of the\",12:\"§7nearest §2Pest§7.\",13:\"§8Cooldown: §a1s\",14:\"\",15:\"§7Vacuum Bag: §2§k351§2 Pests\",16:\"\",17:\"§7§8This item can be reforged!\",18:\"§9§lRARE VACUUM\"],Name:\"§9SkyMart Hyper Vacuum\"},ExtraAttributes:{id:\"SKYMART_HYPER_VACUUM\"}}",
"damage": 0,
"lore": [
"§7Damage: §c+150",
"§7Farming Fortune: §a+15",
"§7§7Helps rid the world of §6Pests§7.",
"§7§7Helps rid the world of §2Pests§7.",
"§6Ability: Vacuum §e§lHOLD RIGHT CLICK",
"§7Aim and hold in the direction of a",
"§7nearby §6Pest §7within §e10 §7blocks to suck",
"§7it in, dealing §c150 §7damage per second.",
"§7nearby §2Pest §7within §e15 §7blocks to suck",
"§7it in, dealing §c300 §7damage per second.",
"§6Ability: Pest Tracker §e§lLEFT CLICK",
"§7Leads you in the direction of the",
"§7nearest §6Pest§7.",
"§7nearest §2Pest§7.",
"§8Cooldown: §a1s",
"§7Vacuum Bag: §6§k0 §6 Pest",
"§7Vacuum Bag: §2§k351§2 Pests",
"§7§8This item can be reforged!",
Expand Down
11 changes: 5 additions & 6 deletions items/SKYMART_TURBO_VACUUM.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,26 +1,25 @@
"itemid": "minecraft:hopper_minecart",
"displayname": "§aSkyMart Turbo Vacuum",
"nbttag": "{HideFlags:254,display:{Lore:[0:\"§7Damage: §c+120\",1:\"§7Farming Fortune: §a+10\",2:\"\",3:\"§7§7Helps rid the world of\",4:\"§7§6Pests§7.\",5:\"\",6:\"§6Ability: Vacuum §e§lHOLD RIGHT CLICK\",7:\"§7Aim and hold in the direction of a\",8:\"§7nearby §6Pest §7within §e7.5 §7blocks to suck\",9:\"§7it in, dealing §c300 §7damage per second.\",10:\"\",11:\"§6Ability: Pest Tracker §e§lLEFT CLICK\",12:\"§7Leads you in the direction of the\",13:\"§7nearest §6Pest§7.\",14:\"§8Cooldown: §a1s\",15:\"\",16:\"§7Vacuum Bag: §6§k0 §6 Pests\",17:\"\",18:\"§7§8This item can be reforged!\",19:\"§a§lUNCOMMON VACUUM\"],Name:\"§aSkyMart Turbo Vacuum\"},ExtraAttributes:{id:\"SKYMART_TURBO_VACUUM\"}}",
"nbttag": "{HideFlags:254,display:{Lore:[0:\"§7Damage: §c+120\",1:\"§7Farming Fortune: §a+10\",2:\"\",3:\"§7§7Helps rid the world of §2Pests§7.\",4:\"\",5:\"§6Ability: Vacuum §e§lHOLD RIGHT CLICK\",6:\"§7Aim and hold in the direction of a\",7:\"§7nearby §2Pest §7within §e15 §7blocks to suck\",8:\"§7it in, dealing §c300 §7damage per second.\",9:\"\",10:\"§6Ability: Pest Tracker §e§lLEFT CLICK\",11:\"§7Leads you in the direction of the\",12:\"§7nearest §2Pest§7.\",13:\"§8Cooldown: §a1s\",14:\"\",15:\"§7Vacuum Bag: §2§k351§2 Pests\",16:\"\",17:\"§7§8This item can be reforged!\",18:\"§a§lUNCOMMON VACUUM\"],Name:\"§aSkyMart Turbo Vacuum\"},ExtraAttributes:{id:\"SKYMART_TURBO_VACUUM\"}}",
"damage": 0,
"lore": [
"§7Damage: §c+120",
"§7Farming Fortune: §a+10",
"§7§7Helps rid the world of",
"§7§7Helps rid the world of §2Pests§7.",
"§6Ability: Vacuum §e§lHOLD RIGHT CLICK",
"§7Aim and hold in the direction of a",
"§7nearby §6Pest §7within §e7.5 §7blocks to suck",
"§7nearby §2Pest §7within §e15 §7blocks to suck",
"§7it in, dealing §c300 §7damage per second.",
"§6Ability: Pest Tracker §e§lLEFT CLICK",
"§7Leads you in the direction of the",
"§7nearest §6Pest§7.",
"§7nearest §2Pest§7.",
"§8Cooldown: §a1s",
"§7Vacuum Bag: §6§k0 §6 Pests",
"§7Vacuum Bag: §2§k351§2 Pests",
"§7§8This item can be reforged!",
Expand Down

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