Camunda Platform 8 Cinema is a showcase for the Camunda platform 8 where one can reserve tickets for an imaginary cinema
- Camunda Platform 8 (Zeebe 8.2.x)
- Springboot 3.x
- Job Workers in Springboot
- Messages
- Errors
- Timer
- Gateways
- generate a client configuration on your Camunda Platform account (tab API)
- add your camunda cloud cluster credentials to the
- OR: use the local container environment (docker/docker-compose-core.yaml)
- start the application
- run
./gradlew bootRun
from your terminal - use your IDE to start the application
- run
- use a REST client to make a reservation:
- endpoint
- POST request
- body:
{ "name":"Max Mustermann", "seats": [ "A1", "A2" ] }
- content-type:
- no auth necessary
- body:
- endpoint
- check the log output
- OR: open (local) Operate instance (localhost:8081 user/pw: demo:demo)
- alternative seats are offered in the log output of your IDE in form of an URL
- in case alternative seats are offered you can also check Operate for the current running instance